( — January 30th, 2013) London,UK — British Library event covering one of “The Best Small Business Marketing Ideas” for years.
Many small businesses are missing one of the most important small business marketing ideas since the days when small businesses rushed to get their first websites. They are missing the now essential ingredient of success – Mobile Marketing, and specifically how to use Mobile Websites and Apps to get more new business.
The use of mobile devices for accessing the internet is growing exponentially. In 2013 internet use from mobile devices is set to outstrip use from desktop and laptop PCs. “This is a small business marketing idea that cannot be ignored,” says Jonathan Slobom of To The Point Marketing.
The problem is that most small business owners don’t know what to do or how to go about it. Others, don’t know who to trust. Well there is a solution for all small business owners to get up to speed on this best of all small business marketing ideas and start growing their businesses. There is a workshop on 28th February 2013 at the British Library as part of its “Web in Feb” series of special workshops and events. The title of the workshop is Mobile Marketing Demystified. It will probably be the best ROI on marketing spend you’ll ever make.
So, why should small business owners be interested? Well for a start mobile use is growing exponentially and Google released a survey in 2012 that amongst other things said, “Mobile users are much more likely to be buyers than PC users” and “if you don’t have a mobile optimised website, 40% of users are likely to move straight on to the next website”. That will probably be one of your competitors.
The British Library workshop is right for you if : you need new customers and you want existing customers to buy more frequently. You will discover that: it is easier than you think; there’s a huge untapped mobile audience; and it is much cheaper than you’d expect. You should leave this workshop armed with lots of cost effective, quick pay back ideas on how to jump start your mobile marketing initiatives that could lead to you increasing your online business by 20%”
They have done presentations before at the British Library and Hugh, (Brit Music) says “I would also like to congratulate you both on a very in tune presentation, the content of which was relevant, on point and as things move forward in the digital age, will prove to be of enormous value to all in attendance.”
So if you are a small business owner and would like to learn more about this best of small business marketing ideas then get your ticket now. You can book your ticket here for the workshop at The British Library, London on Demystifying Mobile Marketing, to be held on the 28th February 2013.
To The Point Marketing was founded by Stephen Clark and Jonathan Slobom because they were frustrated by with the quality of the marketing advice they were receiving. They wanted action, good ROI, good small business marketing ideas and to get to the point of why they were marketing in the first place.
For more information contact; Stephen Clark, , or via the website