St Valentine Book: Divine Intervention of St Valentine or Prayer?

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( via – February 14, 2013)  Salt Lake City, UT — According to BBC News, the popular UK new site, St Valentine ‘not saint of love’!

The BBC’s news article about St. Valentine is not The “Saint of Love” writes: “Britain’s Roman Catholic Church is advising lovelorn singles to direct their 14 February requests for love to St Raphael, rather than St Valentine.”

Why is Britain’s Roman Catholic church proposing religious spiritual networks rather than Celebrating A Divine Intervention From St Valentine?

According to Clare Ward, spokeswoman for the Catholic Enquiry Office: “If tomorrow you are still looking for your soul mate, the actual patron saint is St Raphael.

“He’s the person you should dedicate your day or pray to if you are looking for Mr or Mrs right.”

But Miss Ward also had some additional good advice for those who still believe in love and have exhausted all traditional routes like online dating: “Why not come along to a prayer group – it could be your lucky night.” She added: “There is a lot of evidence to suggest that young people who have tapped into prayer groups have found partners.”

If roses and love poems won’t do the trick, try a dose of Saint Raphael and Spiritual Networks which is the suggested corrected target for those who are still hoping for divine intervention to help their lost love lives.

Miss Ward had some last piece of advice for those that are still hoping for divine intervention and suggested spiritual networks as an ultimate solution: “Those who have exhausted traditional routes like online dating should try spiritual networks.”

The Legend Of St Raphael 

St Raphael helped Tobias enter to get married to Sarah. Sarah had seen seven bridegrooms die on the eve of their wedding day.

It is St Raphael within the canon of the Catholic saints who is correctly associated with helping to build partnerships.  

The oldest Valentine’s message that the history knows about today is dating from 1477.

According to history, St Valentine was martyred in Rome in 269.

While Valentine’s history is unclear until today, he is thought to have really existed. Archaeologists have been able to unearth an early church dedicated to a person with the name of St Valentine.

One theory goes like this. He was a priest in Rome who continued to marry Christian couples in defiance of the law of the day.

St Valentine is said to have signed a note to his jailer’s daughter: “From your Valentine.” This happened on the eve of St Valentine’s execution.  

What If Spiritual Networks And Prayer Groups Are Not Your Spiritual Style?

Cay Candies, the author of 3 Hues Of St Valentine, thinks there is a simpler and easier to understand solution for those who still believe in love and who are still looking for the divine intervention of St Valentine.  

Like Cay Candies, there are many authors who provide more romantic and more effortless ways to find love than having to resort to spiritual networks and spiritual prayer.

Cay Candies, who has recently published her first book dedicated to women who love St Valentine’s day, claims: “Trend conscious women and men of today are looking for feasible solutions to find a real and touchable love not some spiritual untouchable thing.”

She continues: “Modern love seekers like to resort to reading books and stories for mental stimulation, ideas, inspiration, and creativity.  Reading stories is a great way to identify ones desire, motivate ones actions, and finally help realize and manifest love in real life.

Cay Candies emphasizes: “The trend conscious consumers of today are always looking to find divine love manifestation because the spirit of love never dies. Spiritual networks and other religious prayer groups might be a little bit too “spiritual”, “mental”, and “untouchable” and not result oriented enough for modern women and men who do need a quicker solution for their very busy and technology driven lifestyle.”

Candies continues: “Especially women today believe in holidays like St Valentine. They like to resort to modern solutions like finding a partner with similar interests like interest based social networks and dating sites and other interesting St Valentine spirited media stimulations.

Cay Candies released her St Valentine spirited romantic compilation of short stories on the Kindle platform on February 9, 2013. She describes the reason d’etre for her book with the following words.  

“I was looking for a way how to bring some exiting, sizzling, romantic, fun, inspirational, motivational, stimulating, and recreational St Valentine holiday moments to life. My target readers are modern business women who are defined by lack of time and an infinite choice of communication solutions, mobile technology, and platforms. I knew that I had to create a bigger theme. Creating just one St Valentine spirited book was out of the question for me, so I invented, created, and titled my series: Hues Of Holidays. The premise of my year around holiday themed series is to share some inspirational holiday spirited moments in the form of romantic short stories for women who do not have a lot of time to read, but still love to get inspired by a romantic story  during their own holiday moments.”

Candies adds: “I know from personal experience that some women do not like to go to sleep without some romantic mental stimulation. My holiday inspired compilations of short stories can be used to satisfy women who are looking for a holiday spirited bedtime story!”

Cay Candies knows that stories provide a powerful solution to celebrate St Valentin. Her solution to find love for those who still believe in the divine intervention of St Valentine, without having to resort to spiritual networks, includes stimulating short stories that are St Valentine spirited and that surprise and touch the reader’s soul.

Cay Candies lets her readers know what she means by the power of stories: “Stories are the most powerful ways to unlock any woman’s and any man’s feelings and desires and they are more powerful than you might think. Stories are so powerful they truly can help manifest whatever it is you are interested about or desire.

If you dare to life your life with love, use the power of these St Valentine stories to your benefit. Embrace your feelings, and don’t be afraid to take action during the holiday moments. Love will manifest itself if you are using the power of stories!

These inspirational St Valentine stories are going to help unlock some mysterious, intriguing, mentally stimulating, and adventurous feelings and emotions of yours. If you are looking for love do not fight these emotions because you do not want to miss your own St Valentine flirt or love story, right!

Maybe these stories help to inspire something totally unexpected and push you from the imaginary and desirable dream world into a surprisingly new reality of your own!

Her solution definitely sounds more real and touchable than the spiritual networks and prayer groups that have been suggested by Clare Ward, the spokeswoman for the Catholic Enquiry Office.

If you would like to consume the down to earth and touchable solution in the form of a romantic collection of short stories, 3 Hues Of Holiday is now available at:

The romantic book has just been finished and released to the Kindle marketplace so that St Valentine passionate and dedicated readers can enjoy it before and over this year’s St Valentine holiday that is going to take place on the 14th , February, 2013.

3 Hues Of St Valentine is a compilation of romantic St Valentine spirited short stories and a romantic book from a St Valentine inspired woman for St Valentine spirited women who still believe that the spirit of love will never die.

You can read more about Cay Candies on her website at:

Her St Valentine spirited compilation of short stories, called 3 Hues Of St Valentine is available on the Kindle publisher platform.

If you love to read short stories or romantic stories for women you should at the very least be inspired by now and give 3 Hues Of St Valentine a try!

To learn more about Cay Candies the author and her personal story, along with her future upcoming releases that are part of the Hues Of Holidays series, visit Cay Candies’s author page: