(Newswire.net — February 18, 2013) Naples, Florida — February prompts you to prioritize and review your marriage or intimate relationship. This focus just may be the reason there are more breakups in February than any other month. Stress in this rapidly changing world can force you to put your love life low on your priority list.
Technology, the economy, and families living further apart have been relationship game changers according to Noble and Elizabeth Harrison, who share a 32 year marriage and a psychological practice for 25 years in Naples, Florida. It’s the number one reason their clients seek solutions. Life’s greatest challenge is often how to to save a marriage or intimate relationship and/or how to find love to replace the one they lost.
Traditional relationship tips and techniques have not kept pace with this rapidly changing, stressful world. Psychotherapists, Noble and Elizabeth Harrison, saw this decline 15 years ago when they were unsatisfied with the lasting results of traditional therapy. They spanned the globe for fast, easy lasting change techniques. They discovered, combined and simplified cutting edge energy techniques, Brain Body Balance ™, a 5 Step, 5 Technique System that re-wires your brain for a change, breaks up old destructive habits in seconds, without the expected wait or struggle.
The results have been far more than they dreamed for their own lives as well as those they teach. Brain Body Balance techniques re-wire the brain body subconscious memory reactive patterns and set your life program free. Techniques so simple a child can do them but take mere minutes to learn, seconds to use, for change that lasts a lifetime. When asked “Do they work on everyone?” Their response is, “No, only on those who do them.”
Most of their clients come with the goal to change their partner, an impossible feat. It really is true that when you change you, the relationship has to change. Given the tips and techniques, you can target change at the subconscious cellular memory level and delete the virus, it sets your life program free.
Brain Body Balance™ 5 Technique System target the root cause subconscious cellular memory. When you get the roots, the weeds can’t grow back . . . no wait, no struggle, no need to repeat. When you target and unblock what stops you from Being Love, your energy changes inside. The heal all energy of Love flows through you, out into your world or relationships and right back to you. That is your power.
Fast, Easy Moves that Win Every Game
Most every thing you do in life requires honing new skills. It’s even more true with relationships. Doing it ‘by the seat of your pants’ does not work in this fast paced, stress filled world. Grab your free report, 7 Relationship Tips: How to Find Love and Keep Love and to be notified about their upcoming webinar.
Relationship Tip of the Day
Ask yourself the 3 / P Questions to eliminate confusion and become aware of your responsibility so you can let go of your need to meddle and control the impossible. Focus your efforts where it counts. You can only change you.
1) What is my part of this problem?
2) What is my power?
3) What is my purpose? (intended outcome)
No need to leave a relationship, discover how to “Be” love and the relationship has to change. No need to learn how to find love, “Be” love so you attract like energy of love. With new relationship tips and skills, you can win every game. It’s not that you are inadequate, it’s that you lack techniques to make change that’s fun, fast, and lasting.
Psychotherapist’s, Noble and Elizabeth Harrison, invite you to sign up for their free upcoming webinar, “Me, We or Be” and get the report “7 Simple Relationship Tips : Find Love and Keep Love.”
Contact: Elizabeth Harrison, LCSW, Licensed Clinical Social Worker Noble Harrison, Phd, Psychologist Accord Psychological, Inc Naples, Florida 34102, USA 1 239 649-1569
Facebook: http://facebook.com/brainbodybalance
Google+: http://tinyurl.com/b39yv4w