(Newswire.net — February 22, 2013) Denver, CO — Spirit of Love, the Mike “Stinger” Glenn story was a slam dunk with sold out audiences at the TX Christian Film festival in Houston this past weekend and received the award for “Best Inspirational” film. Many cast members were in attendance including teen actors Brad Hughes, Alexei Taylor, Joz Lichty, Nashville recording artist Laura Dodd, Ketrick “Jazz” Copeland, with filmmaker Darla Rae, and retired NBA player and FOX Sports Analyst Mike “Stinger” Glenn who plays himself in the film.
After holding briefly to allow for traffic issues the film screened to a packed house with both deaf and hearing audience members all who enjoyed the film which screened with “open captions”.
The film is inspired by the real life camps which Mike Glenn started for the deaf and hard of hearing 33 yrs ago. Mel Hughlett, Mike Glenn’s former Saluki college teammate from SIU (Southern Illinois University) and NBA player said “GREAT FILM, Perfect Story”.
“As a filmmaker it’s a wonderful opportunity to watch reactions from the back of the room with a live audience” said Rae. This was the first time the film had screened for an audience publically in the US. Comment cards were available for attendees and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive and the age range attending was very broad, from age 5-90.
Pastor Arthur Craig from Houston Woodhaven Baptist Deaf Church said “It was Great!” and “So Inspiring!!!” said Kelly Reagan from Houston’s Lillian Beard Deaf Center.
Director, Producer Darla Rae said “It can be overwhelming telling a story inspired by a real person who happens to be sitting on the front row watching it unfold on the screen. However as I watched Mike settle in and laugh and tear up along with other audience members I began to relax and enjoy the moment. Watching deaf and hearing together enjoying our film side by side with open captions was very touching. We had accomplished one of our major goals”
One person wrote “Thank you for providing a Christian insight into the “unseen reality” of our deaf youth in the US!” Kelly Berger from TX Hands & Voices a nonprofit organization who promotes all aspects of communication amongst the deaf community wrote “The movie was wonderful! Thank you for making it and thank you for the captions. What a great undertaking! We need more films like this in theaters.”
People both deaf and hearing commented over and over “Very Inspiring, Awesome, and heartwarming!”
The film has a “Sweet Innocence” lacking in today’s films and may be the “Feel Good” movie of the year said Bill Shryock. From your lips to Hollywood’s Ears Bill!
Spirit of Love, the Mike Glenn story is now into the next phase making decisions regarding distribution partners, and the avenue that best supports their message, theme and targeted demographic.
For more information. Call Kathy Schipp at 720-620-0536 or Visit the website at http://spiritoflovemovie.com