Vitamins: The Natural Plant Based Version

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( — March 1, 2013) Tampa, FL — The vitamin discussion has become an interesting one in that now vitamin efficiency addresses vitamin deficiency.  Vitamins are not all the same nor are they what they are cranked up to be.  The efficiency of vitamins is crucial as we try to understand how the digestive process actually works and must be understood if vitamin absorption is to perform at the level that we intend. 

There is also a science behind time release capsule vitamins and isotonix, which allows vitamins to travel directly into our blood stream without competing with other digestive functions of the body.  The intravenous method of ingestion is most efficient however with isotonix,  that is tantamount to such efficiency.  It has been found that many vitamins consumed from most pill forms lose their efficacy and are passed through our bodies via waste.  Such is a shame when considering how much we lose in benefit from the intended dosage. 

The main ingredients of some of these vitamins have origins from the pine tree bark called pycnogenol.  This can be derived from other sources as well such as grape seed, witch hazel bark, and peanut skins.   This pycnogenol is used to help blood circulation where a lot of allergies and problems that people have, are primarily from circulation issues.  Asthsma, high blood pressure, muscle soreness, pain, osteoarthritis, diabetes, attention deficit disorder, erectile dysfunctions, menstrual period dysfunctions, heart disease, and even varicose veins are to name some of the most common disorders that pycnogenol addresses.

Anti aging is another reason people use pycnogenol which can also be applied topically.   Also retina of the eye can benefit from this.  It is no wonder that such a basic substance from a tree can perform such incredible benefits and health result for humans.  Perhaps, we are not that different from our vegetation growth that is around us and what is best suited to help us with our sustenance and longevity. 

The next time we see someone cutting down a tree or clearing away a forest for a housing development, we might want to look at our own life and health and suggest an alternative to random deforestation that holds the keys to advanced quality of living and benefits. 

For more in depth information regarding healthy lifestyles and natural vitamins, contact  Custom Vitamin Solutions   (813) 949-7664

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