(Newswire.net — 6, March, 2013) Boston, MA — Recently Mike Dillard from the Elevation Group was featured on the CNN iReport which documented his recent article and cover page on Aspire Magazine that was published in January of 2013. Mike has now joined the likes of Richard Branson and Guy Kawasaki who have also been featured in Aspire.
Mike Dillard founded The Elevation Group back in December of 2010 in which he said, “the idea was simple, to create a website that would take you inside the secret black-box investing strategies of the ultra-rich. This concept was born out of personal frustration.”
The Elevation Group started in late 2010 as an online diary in which members pay to access interviews with financial experts and access to EVG founders’ virtual rolodex. It strives to provide alternative investment strategies that go against the grain of commonly held personal financial advice. The Elevation Group recognizes that the classic model of, ‘get a job, invest in your IRA/410K and retire at 65’ no longer works in the post-2008 world.
About Mike Dillard: Mike Dillard is an ambitious entrepreneur based in Austin, Texas. In 2010, he established The Elevation Group, an innovative financial education company that focuses on helping average investors take advantage of optimal investing strategies. Led by Mike Dillard’s vision, The Elevation Group branches out from typical investment strategies utilized by the American middle-class and introduces investors to the strategies utilized by those who have achieved great success and wealth. Follow Mike Dillard on Facebook or join Mike on Google +.