Press Release Submission Services Now Offered By Florida Internet Services, Inc.

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( — March 9, 2013) Tampa, FL – The days of Internet marketing has changed and grown beyond what anyone ever thought since the 1990’s.  Being able to attract visitors to a website is an ever changing and a growing field of expertise.  Between search engine optimization (SEO), blogging, pay per click traffic, media buys, banner advertising and so many other ways to market it seems like a daunting task. What does the business owner do? Press release submission using a press release service can help cure some of these tasks and best of all helps the business owner save their dollars in advertising costs while increasing their customer base.

Advertising is the life blood of most business as without it most businesses will not survive long.  There are exceptions from old line traditional businesses that are properly branded, or already have a following.  The majority of smaller businesses simply do not have the budget for TV media ads or even offline advertising by mail.  So the advertising alternatives are stated above, but what sticks out the most is the press release submission and how beneficial it can be.  Using a press release service will help any business no matter what their size may be.  The companies with massive budgets use press release services all the time and they really pay more than they should.

Through my research a company called Florida Internet Services popped up on my radar where they offer a press release service that is very professional and can help any business target their niche market using news and press releases.  One of the huge factors is the cost savings versus using the traditional pay per click (PPC) advertising that most have come become used to using.

The beauty of using a press release service is that these releases gain exposure all over the world. Some local businesses may not care about this kind of targeting, but the release can be customized for specific local traffic, as each niche can be specifically targeted to a top related category.  Example would be if you were a dentist, then your release can be targeted in the Health section of the news feeds, as well gaining the world based exposure.

In summary the press release service of the old days have come to term, and the new age of the Internet now allows any business to maximize their advertising dollars and gain top exposure on the search engines.


Florida Internet Services, Inc.
