(Newswire.net — March 10, 2013) — Experts Agree That It’s Vital to Learn How to De-Stress – What Methods Are Effective?
WebMD says, “left unmanaged, stress can lead to emotional, psychological, and even physical problems, including heart disease, high blood pressure, chest pains, or irregular heartbeats.” You can find similar statements from both conventional and holistic professionals alike. Dr. Brad Gould, MD in Atlanta uses some breakthrough energetic wellness tools in his practice from ZeroPoint Global to deal with all kinds of stress.
Our bodies are designed to handle a certain amount of stress in between periods of calm. Problem is that in our modern world, we are continually bombarded with stress. In addition to the stress from things like daily financial concerns, relationship challenges, etc., we have past stress from highly charged emotional, or even physical, traumas that get stored in our cellular memory. To really release stress effectively, it is important to address these stored emotions, which may be on a conscious or subconscious level. Then other types stress release can be truly effective longer term.
Dr. Gould developed a unique technique using intentions combined with two of the ZeroPoint energy healing tools, now called “The Clear Set.” This technique can be easily shared so anyone can learn how to de-stress in the comfort of their own home quickly, effectively, and comfortably.
According to Pat in Canada, “I was using the (Clear Set) doing some emotional clearing around the death of my brother, because he was assaulted and passed away with injuries and there was a trial and the funeral and it was a horrendous time in our lives 9 years ago. I thought I’d already dealt with it, but I felt such an emotional release with tears starting to flow.” Heather in Massachussetts states, “I ordered the Clear SET package after I heard that it was helpful with clearing trauma. I just wanted to stress how incredible I feel your company is and this product…The first night, I felt the same thing others have felt that I read about: The electricity and the memories coming up and releasing. What I feel now is this general vibration all around me as I wear both throughout the day… I have had a problem swallowing my food and just was able to eat a large portion of mashed potatoes for the first time in two plus years. I continue to work with this and find that it feels like the effect only goes to a deeper and deeper level. I want to thank you again.”
These tools are available through independent distributors like www.clearing-energy.com, and come with a 30 day guarantee plus personal support so you can be sure to learn how to get the de-stressing you are looking for. While these tools and technique may seem far out, testing has shown impressive results, and many people have had healing breakthroughs. With the satisfaction guarantee eliminating your risk, could this be just what you are looking for to learn how to de-stress?
Media Contact: Lisa Lothian, 561-703-2747, www.naturalbodybalance.com