Green Apps Machine Mobile Marketing – MEGA LAUNCH – Makes App development available to the masses!

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( — March, Wednesday, 2013  — According to the New York Times ”Much of the Web set off the dot-com boom 15 years ago, apps have inspired a new class of mobile marketing entrepreneurs. The innovators have turned cellphones and tablets into tools for discovering, organising and controlling the world spawning a multi-billion-dollar industry virtually overnight.”

HUGE opportunities to monetize the boom in apps.

More than 30 million apps are downloaded around the world every day. With an average of 40 apps per user. The hungary app user crowd is growing at an alarming pace as the world is switching from desktop and laptop computers to handheld smartphones and tablet devices. Third world countries who don’t have access to computers, are now populating the internet through mobile devices, this population is growing rapidly as cell phone and data costs fall.

So 1 in 7 people around the world are using their smartphones for apps and more than 50% of Americans use smart phones. 40 Billion apps have been downloaded.

The Green Apps Machine Developer Peng Li says‘’ The mobile apps market is worth over 40 Billion dollars annually, we’ve been developing apps for a long time now and believe we have a product that is timely with the burgeoning market. We want people to cash in on the revolution so we’ve designed a suite of tools that users can take to market really quickly without the need for technical experience. That’s how quickly this industry is moving!

Green Apps Machine is a product designed for marketers and entrepreneurs of all types who want a quick solution to make a steady stream of on-going income as well as offering it to clients. ‘’You can have an app up and running within 12 minutes, we’ve made it incredibly simple and there are a tonne of different ways you can monetize them’’ Li adds.

With the ease-of-use, quick development time and rapid execution to market, Green Apps Machine is touted by many to be one of the biggest launches of the year. The launch will be happening on the 14th March 2013.

You can find out more about the launch by visiting


Contact Info:
Peter Duncan
Digital Puls
Peter Duncan on Google+  
Phone +64 4 76 9123