Oprah and Dr Chopra Teach Meditation Techniques for Beginners Online: Does it De-Stress or Add Stress?

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(Newswire.net — March 27, 2013) Naples, Florida —  Racing thoughts have a common theme to their misery, some sort of deprivation that is often time related.   “There’s not enough time, I’m doing all I can do, there’s so much on my plate.”  It plays like a broken recording with no reset button.    Over time, the chatter escalates, so you add stress when you  try to find time to meditate to  de-stress. 

Most people seldom get beyond juggling the outside stress of  people, situations and things, to consider the  real villain, inside.  Your racing thoughts can stop your meditation efforts,  alerting you that your brain space is  cluttered. Your brain is your greatest asset, yet it is  stressed with bulging memory files,   jammed and crammed in disarray by default.  Random, racing thoughts attach to similar connected memories. Your thoughts stem from these memories and destroy or create from the inside out.  Research findings confirm that 90% of all dis-ease is stress related.

Finding time to stop racing thoughts and  de-stress with meditation can add stress, and so can sleep.  Trying to de-stress with sleep is a mixed bag.  During REM, the deeper phase of sleep, your subconscious  sorts, consolidates and integrates  your daily stressful input into your long term memory without discretion.  Disorder collects over time.

Even  affirmations to stop  negative thoughts  can add to the stress toll, driving habits deeper until  you prepare your brain for a change.  Given the techniques,  your brain can change in seconds, stressful  habits that you might keep for a lifetime.   Brain Feng Shui™ is brain exercise that stops racing thoughts so your meditation efforts can be  successful immediately.


Feng Shui is the ancient art of arranging objects in your outside space to create and attract a positive energy flow.  Just like a cluttered work or computer space blocks your work flow, your cluttered brain space stops your life flow.  Brain Feng Shui ™, a Brain Body Balance ™ Self Help Technique,  de-clutters and organizes your brain space.    Less brain space clutter is less stress. 

Emmet Fox said, “The thing you see in the outer is the precipitation on the physical plane of an inner mental equivalent.    The secret of successful living is to build up the mental equivalent that you want, and to get rid of, to expunge, the mental equivalent that you do not want.”

Brain Feng Shui™ is  one five techniques in the Brain Body Balance ™ System developed over the past 15 years by psychotherapists, Noble Harrison, PhD and Elizabeth Harrison, LCSW.    They have taught these simple techniques  to thousands in their private practice in Naples, Florida and seminars in Europe and the USA with consistently amazing and astounding results. For the first time ever, they are beginning to share them online.   

The goal and result of all Brain Body Balance™ techniques is to BE Present,  pervasive stillness  inside,  connected to the energy flow of peace,  purpose, and prosperity.  Energy to heal, create and attract from the inside out and back to you.  That is your power.

Grab your free training video, Brain Feng Shui ™,   (scroll to the bottom of the page)

 For more information, questions, or comments:

Elizabeth Harrison, LCSW, Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Noble Harrison, PhD, Psychologist

Accord Psychological, Inc , Naples, Florida 34102, USA 239 649-1569

Facebook: http://facebook.com/brainbodybalance 

Google+: http://tinyurl.com/b39yv4w