Online Marketing For Roofing Companies, Money Well Spent? Or Is Online Marketing For Roofers Just A Fad?

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(  – April 19, 2013) Los Angeles, CA – David Wilson, a local roofing marketing expert, creator and founder of, a local internet marketing company, recently sat down with me to discuss the importance of increasing the visibility  of roofing companies online. In our discussion, David stated “Online visibility … is the most important and, in my opinion, most powerful thing a roofing company needs to concentrate on, now and in the future. If your roofing business is not prominently featured in the search engines, then you better do something about it, and quickly.

According to David, most roofing company owners have been slow to take up online marketing, and for good reason. There are so many new and trendy fads for being exposed online that many business owners fail to take action because they really don’t know which way to turn.  Many roofers are led to believe that getting listed in the local roofing directories is the only way they will get exposure, and although a roofing business will be seen this way, it is not the ideal form of exposure.  Roofing directories are full of other roofing companies, and all the listings look the same, unless you pay more for a featured listing, and then some only allow a business to receive leads along with 5 or so of their competitors.  David recommends full ownership of your online destiny, “Hire an online marketing professional to review your current strategy, and suggest time tested and proven methods for lasting results.”  David said “Increasing exposure for a roofing business is the solution to increasing their bottom line.” Costly Pay Per Click campaigns or roofing directory leads are often the source of the traffic they’re currently getting.  As a result, increasing traffic translates to increased Pay Per Click and lead costs. Most roofing company owners are not aware of any other options for growing their business.

I asked David “What should a roofing company do to get the best exposure online?”  Although not wanting to give away all his secrets, David suggested concentrating on dominating the local market.  Making sure that the roofing company has a well laid out and appealing website, and taking advantage of all the free local directories.  “Once you have the basics down, then you can toy with the traffic generating options.”  David indicated that seamlessly integrating the roofing website, with identical information on directories, adding video and reviews, was all part of an integral local marketing plan.  “For our clients, we review their website, make the necessary changes in content and structure, then enroll them on a 9 week cyclical marketing plan that systematically and steadily increases their exposure and traffic.  When all is said and done they have a solid base from which to expand.  Most of our clients enjoy not only the number one position, but several other listings in the top ten.”  You can see the step by step Online Marketing For Roofing Companies Plan at  David believes firmly that getting more traffic to a website is a relatively basic thing to do if you spend enough time, consistency, and persistence at it, he says “The problem is most business are too busy running their business to spend time on online marketing, that’s where people like me come in.”  To learn more about David’s strategies, the services he offers can be found on his website

David Wilson is an Educator at heart, a Champion for the success of small businesses online and an expert on making business owners realize their full online marketing potential.  David works with business owners who are seeking to grow their marketing in order to grow their business online.

To learn more about online marketing for roofers, David can be reached at 626-315-1395
