Easy Weight Loss Secrets, New Book Helps Women Lose Weight Naturally

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(Newswire.net — May 3, 2013) Chicago, IL — Whether it’s for a wedding, a reunion, health reasons, or just a summer trip to the beach, recent polls suggest that nearly 70% of women at one point this year will try to lose weight.  Unfortunately, it seems that only 30% of that group will successfully reach their goals and only a startling 13% will keep the weight off for more than three years. 

Enter Jenna MacArthur, a Chicago-based fitness and diet expert who has been helping women for the last decade lose weight naturally and keep it off. In her new book, Simply Slim, MacArthur’s straightforward writing and no-nonsense approach makes for easy weight loss and realistic lifestyles.

In 2001 after giving birth to her second daughter, MacArthur found herself forty pounds overweight and seriously depressed.  After two years of yo-yo dieting, magical weight loss that only lasted a handful of months, and a pantry packed with over-priced, over-hyped weight loss supplements, MacArthur decided to strike out on her own.

“I decided that the only way I was going to lose weight was to start listening to my own body, not to what I saw on TV or heard from friends,” the author explains. “I needed to learn about my body and how to work with it if I wanted to be successful at losing weight.”

And successful she was.  Six months into her weight loss regimen MacArthur was back to her pre-baby weight and feeling stronger and happier than ever.  Now MacArthur has set her sights on helping women who, like herself just a few years ago, are unhappy with their weight and frustrated with ineffective weight loss methods.

“I wanted to write a book that presented all of the best weight loss options in an un-biased, non-convoluted way,” she says. “Simply Slim goes through the most easy weight loss secrets, effective exercises, diets, and supplements that help women lost weight naturally, giving a basic rundown of what they all are and how they work.”

Released this week and free as a digital download on Amazon today through Tuesday, May 7th, Simply Slim puts women in control of their own weight loss, helping them feel confident and knowledgeable about their personal choices.  As the title suggests, MacArthur makes the whole weight loss process simple and completely natural.

“If women spent more time listening to their bodies instead of listening to other people, we would see a much greater percentage of women who successfully lose weight and keep it off.”

For more information, press contact:

Brandon Schoen

Silver Bullet Books

Book Blog: 


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