Delegation Habits of $20 Million to $100 Million CEOs – Tim Levy Announces New Book Launch

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( —  May 6, 2013) Austin, TX –Ever wanted a sneak peak into the world of wealthy CEOs? This book confirms your suspicions that successful CEOs and entrepreneurs do things differently, think differently and manage their money differently than middle class Americans. The author brings you the strategies and mindset these CEOs used to get where they are and still use today.


The author wants to make this insider knowledge most never would have direct access to available to those who seek it. He’s launched a unique contest called “Delegate Your Life Back” Contest. Players can win cool prizes to help with delegation, startup and business growth.


What qualifies the author to share insider CEO knowledge?


“I spend most of my time working with CEOs and entrepreneurs on clarity, strategy, technology and content. While I work, I’m constantly asking and answering the question ‘What makes these people so successful?’ Most of them have built businesses up to somewhere between $20 – 100 million annual sales and as you can imagine, patterns emerge.


This book covers maybe their biggest success strategy…delegation. It’s all about how to form your own global dynamic team without having to mortgage your house. I’ve figured out a way to get the business results without the crazy monthly payroll that has been the norm up until now.” Says Tim Levy, author and consultant to the CEOs.


Readers who enjoy Tim Ferriss, Stephen R. Covey, John C. Maxwell, Paul Lemberg, Jim Collins, Michael E. Gerber, Michael Masterson, Seth Godin, Jeff Olson, Steve Jobs, Charles Duhigg and Malcolm Gladwell will like this book DELEGATION HABITS. 


Excerpt from the book…


“I didn’t know how lucky I was until many years later. As a young boy my father invited all these CEOs of multi-million dollar companies to my kitchen table!


They would talk about business ideas, what to delegate and what not to, strategies to get more out of their employees, how to bring their valuable products and services to people in their market, and how to be good stewards of those profits. I thought everybody grew up this way…with this “mindset of the wealthy”.


I didn’t realize most people grow up without the benefit of this “masterminding with captains of industry”…”


Grab your copy at


About the Author:


Tim Levy – I’m a genuine guy with a unique skillset and experiences learned from growing up in Australia and then moving to America to work in Silicon Valley. After being the CEO of companies I felt the call to branch out. I started consulting with CEOs about strategy and growing their businesses. But something was missing.


I knew these strategies were desired by many people but they’d never get direct access to them. So I was inspired to write this book laying out the thought processes and delegation systems from my consulting with $20 Million to $100 Million CEOs.


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Tim Levy and Associates

9901 Brodie Lane?Suite 160 – 263

Austin TX 78748