(Newswire.net — Jun 28, 2013) Akron, OH — Akron DUI Lawyer Pros is offering top legal defense and free consultation for drunken driving arrestees. Anyone arrested for a DUI needs a DUI lawyer right away, because the penalties of a conviction are often severe life changing events.
The good news is that according to the US Dept. of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, DUI related fatalities in Ohio reached the lowest level in 2011 since 1982. In 1982 there were 966 alcohol related traffic deaths, whereas in 2011 there were 358. The reduction can be attributed to stricter DUI enforcement activities.
No one wants to be a victim of a drunk driver, and a drunk driver does not intentionally want to kill other drivers and their passengers. The worst part is if a drunk driver kills their own passengers, in which case the driver can carry regret and remorse for the rest of their lives. It’s an unfortunate messy affair for everyone involved.
Nevertheless, if it happens to a driver they will need to get legal representation right away, and Akron DUI Lawyer Pros will provide a free consultation. A spokesman at the Akron DUI Law firm said, “Getting arrested and convicted for drunk driving can have numerous negative effects on your life for the foreseeable future. This is especially true if you have more than one conviction. The penalties for multiple DUIs are harsh and can completely change your way of life.”
To avoid the harsh penalties associated with this type of conviction it is necessary to have an Akron DUI Lawyer who knows how to challenge evidence and test results effectively.”
Some of the punishments for first time DUI offenders include jail time with a minimum of 72 consecutive hours in jail or participation in a driver’s intervention program.
The conviction sentence will include a court imposed license suspension for a minimum of six months. If a driver refuses to take a “high-end” test, the mandatory jail time doubles to six days in jail or alternatively three days jail and three days in the driver’s intervention program. “Using restricted plates on your car is mandatory,” said the law firm spokesman.
Repeat offenders will have much more serious penalties to face that can include up to five years imprisonment. It is imperative that arrestees talk to an Akron DUI lawyer in order to have a good chance of getting the best outcome for their case. The attorneys at Akron DUI Lawyer Pros are ready and willing to treat their client’s case with the respect it needs to help them through this difficult and tragic time.
To find out more about Akron DUI Lawyer Pros, please call 330-595-5769 or visit their new web site by clicking here: http://www.akronduilawyer.net/
Akron DUI Lawyer Pros
76 South Main Street
Akron, OH 44308
Media Contact: Akron DUI Lawyer Pros
Email: info@akronduilawyerpros.net
Phone: 330-595-5769
Web Site: http://www.akronduilawyer.net