(Newswire.net — August 12, 2013) Tampa, FL — In order to stave off the credit collection hounds in today’s day, one needs to understand what tools are available and how and when to employ them. Credit Shield, founded by Sarah Young, provides this very service that can equip the homeowner or individual from having to defend oneself when the barrage of threatening phone calls arrive. Young describes the environment of collection processes and also the means that Credit Shield uses to protect their clients.
Every situation cannot be defended, however there are protocols and procedures that must be followed in order to be in compliance to collect from a debtor. Most organizations and agencies actually make mistakes along the way which can be the debtors “escape hatch” from a legal standpoint.
The laws provide for protection to the consumers, recognizing that most businesses have greater pockets with lawyers behind them that can “bully” the small household and consumer. As a consumer advocate, Credit Shield merely takes a very pragmatic approach towards helping. Arm them with knowledge and guide them through the procedures. Credit Shield’s resources enable them to educate their clients while providing documentation critical in protecting them throughout the annoying and often times barrage of scary chase tactics.
Credit Shield also protects people from buckling to filing for unnecessary bankruptcy as a result of this collector’s chase game. Perhaps with a mortgage and financial background, Young recognized the need for this help as the economy turned sour and more and more people were subjected to this treatment. She also maintains a position that the small individual needs an advocate and professional help from the large behemoth organizations that pose “perception is greater than reality” syndrome.
Contact Credit Shield and learn about credit defense rights and steps to protect oneself from debt harassment and bankruptcy alternatives. Contact Credit Shield at www.Creditshield.org sarah@creditshield.org (888) 223-3529
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