Getting Cash for your Junk Car without Stress, Wasted Time or Effort

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( — August 22, 2013) Salt Lake City, Utah — A junk car company  in New Yorkhas come up with the perfect solution to get cash for that junk car that has become a liability rather than an asset. With one simple phone call you will arrange a pickup for that vehicle plus a vacation voucher as an extra bonus.

Often glancing at a junk yard gives the impression that it is just that, a junk yard. They fail to realize the advantage to the environment that is evident in that junk yard. By “recycling” your junk car through a reliable company, you not only get cash in your pocket, but you have helped to improve your environment.

Upon investigation, one learns that a junkyard contains tons of recyclable materials. The steel used in new automobiles may be coming from the local junk yard. By recycling the steel, many of the natural resources are spared and the environment is protected. Today’s junkyard is carefully regulated by state and federal guidelines. They now have specific laws about waste liquids, such as oil and gas from the vehicles, is disposed of in a way to protect ground water.

Junk Car companies can be depended upon to make the process of recycling your vehicle an easy procedure. There are a variety of reasons to call for assistance.

  • If you do not have a title, local licensing departments have forms that will release you of liability
  • The vehicle is an eyesore that has been in your yard far longer than necessary
  • Fixing the vehicle would cost more than selling it
  • Perhaps it was a lemon from day one and you can finally say so long
  • The vehicle does not have a trade-in value worth the effort of trading
  • You have been unable to find a buyer
  • If you have had an accident that has resulted in the car being totaled

The company has their own tow trucks and one phone call can arrange for pickup of your junk car. The phone call you make will also get you the quote you need to make an informed decision. There is no intermediary, therefore, you will most likely get a higher amount for your junk car. In many instances, you get same day service. The pickup will depend on your schedule if you choose. It is not necessary to be home to have the vehicle towed by their licensed and bonded employees.