Press Release Marketing Optimized by the Newswire 2.0 Launch

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( — September 29, 2013)   Colorado Press release marketing has received a giant boost, with the release of the Newswire 2.0. This tried and true method of reaching massive amounts of people, now has the added push of social media.  This ingenious combination of multi-media channels, will provide opportunities that have never been available before.  Press releases are usually somewhere between 300 to 400 words, and they are meant to accomplish two things. First, they should convey some kind of news about the company that is featured in the press release. It could be that the business is coming out with a new product or service, having an anniversary, added a new benefit for your customers, having a sale, or possibly hired a new employee, created a new position, or really anything that will create online buzz (talk and interest) about the business.

Secondly, a good press release will also let the public know a little bit about the company, and its future plans. This gives the reader a chance to get to know the company, and begin to build trust which the buying process depends upon.

There are quite a few sites on the Internet that will allow you to submit press releases for free. However, beware of the consequences of choosing a free site, some of which include competitive ads running alongside plus being embedded into right your press release.  Another problem is the limited amount of data you can include.  Most of the free sites do not let you add a video or an image.  Also, some free press release sites are very restrictive about profile information and linking structure, which is one of the main reasons a business will a publish press release.

Most free sites offer paid options, with the fee ranging from $99 per press release for basic publication options, going up to $349 for multi channel press release submission and syndication. There are of course add on features offered that include linking for higher ranking.  You can even have an expert write a press release, with fees for quality, guaranteed approval with some edit rights for $40 to $60. Typically, the more you spend, the better your results will be.

Savvy business owners are beginning to use press release marketing as just one tool to help promote their company, and get strong, credible backlinks that the search robots love. If you decide to try a press release for your business, it is a usually a good idea to hire a proven press release expert that knows how to not only write a press release that will be approved, but will also gain lots of views and interest for the business.

Sherrie Chastain combines these skills, and the new powerful Newswire 2.0 social news syndication platform, with decades of marketing, sales, business management, and writing experience to provide the highest quality, guaranteed approval press release marketing service available. Whether you need local, or global rankings the launch of the Newswire 2.0 platform provides results.