Easy Opt-in Builder Review Features Mobile Responsive Plugin Options

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(Newswire.net — October 17, 2013) Boston, MA — 

Today, Easy Opt-in Builder, a brand new mobile responsive WordPress plugin for creating email opt-ins, was released to the public after being in development for months.  In a newly published video, Rick Porter gives a quick Easy Opt-in Builder review giving his initial thoughts on the new plugin.

In the Easy Opt-in Builder review, Mr. Porter touches on just a few of the benefits of the new plugin.  The main feature he briefly talks about is how these opt-in forms are incredibly responsive and mobile friendly.

The opt-ins are built specifically to create better engagement with the website visitors, and are mobile friendly which increases the conversion rate of visitors coming from mobile phones and tablets.  The mobile responsiveness allows the opt-in form to resize and move to wherever the visitor is browsing on their mobile platform showing up perfectly in their screen without the need of scrolling.

In the video review of Easy Opt-in Builder, Mr. Porter also includes one of his dogs. “I wanted to see if adding a pug to a video review would possibly increase the clickthrough ratio and maybe even conversions by appealing to the dog loving community online,” said Porter.

Easy Opt-in Builder is currently available and has several demonstrations available for viewing.  To view the Easy Opt-in Builder demos, visit Easy Optin Builder here.

About: Rick Porter is an online reputation management consultant and internet marketing professional.