Best Superfoods to Eat Before Bed

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( — October 21, 2013)  Boston, MA — 

A new article and video titled the Best Superfoods Before Bed suggests some healthy meal choices that can be made to improve health and nutrition.  Many people are finding it difficult to find ways to successfully implement healthy nutrition strategies into their daily lives.  However, with some basic principals taught in the video people can learn very easy nutritional strategies that keep them satieted and burning fat throughout the day and evening. 

Superfoods have grown in popularity over the last few years because they provide the body with the necessary nutrients and antioxidants to lower cholesterol, reduce the risk of cancer and heart diseases, all while increasing life expectancy. Choosing nutrient dense superfoods before bed rather than heading over to the nearest fast food joint to grab a meal is a much better option.  Choosing foods such as white meat proteins, cottage cheese, or green beans are a better choice because they are easy to perpare while providing many health benefits.


Recent research has found that white meat animal protein sources such as chicken, turkey and eggs are great pre-bed meal choices.  These slow-digesting proteins provide a sustained release of amino acids, increase satiety, elevate metabolism, and stimulate the body to secrete glucagon. Green vegetables, despite being classified as carbohydrates, are low glycemic and will not promote much of an insulin response, if at all. What’s more, veggies are high in fiber, which can also positively impact satiety while sleeping.


A free report on the best foods to eat before bed can be found here at this link.


About: Health Nutrition News was launched in September 2013 as a way to relay the importance of health, nutrition, and fitness to its readers. Using relevant and upcoming wellness trends this website provides important news to guide its readers toward making healthier lifestyle choices.