Worst Catastrophic Event Since Flood of Noah’s Time!

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(Newswire.net — October 24, 2013) Gilbert, Arizona — 

Gilbert, AZ – Lowell Taylor founder of Keep USA Great, LLC , announced that the worst catastrophic event since the flood of Noah’s time will happen within about the next 15 to 20 years.  The event is an earthquake that moves every mountain and island out of their places. The event is the event of the sixth seal earthquake as described in the Book of Revelation, chapter 6, verses 12 thru 17.


Mr. Taylor said “It is just a matter of time before science proves that the event is going to happen and it is just a matter of time before the event does happen.  John made it clear that it is an event we will all know about.” Mr. Taylor quoted Revelation chapter 6 verse 15 which reads “And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;”

Free videos on KeepUSAgreat.com website are designed so that in minutes a person could “learn some simple, easy, urgent, and important foundational information.” “This is not a time to fear.” Taylor says “This is the time to have a roaring robust economy and re-think our plans and goals as well as those of the government. Many people, including politicians, have been leaving out of their plans the prophetic events yet, God isn’t. Whose program do you think is going to win? Will politicians allow a robust economy NOW through Constitutional laws of liberty?”


Funds are being raised to print a poster designed by Mr. Taylor which has a list of 210 prophetic points in general order leading up to the return of Christ. The prophetic information is taken from the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation. Mr. Taylor claims we are on prophetic point number #15. Christ returns around #210. The sixth seal earthquake event happens at prophetic point #74. During the next few years, Taylor expects John and Daniel’s perfect tract record will extended to about 38 for 38.  Taylor states “This perfect track record is more than just news; it is proof that the prophetic events leading up to the return of Christ are happening and the return of Christ will happen! This is exciting!” Mr. Taylor feels that there are lives to save and lives to bless with this information.


For more information about Keep USA Great, founded 2010 in Gilbert Arizona by Lowell Taylor, please visit http://www.KeepUSAgreat.com.

Keep USA Great

N Pheasant Dr
Gilbert, Arizona 85234

(480) 497-1813