Washington State Schools Website Opens

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(Newswire.net — November 6, 2013) Bellingham, WA — Washington Online Schools, a new web-based education and career training review resource, is now available online.


The WashingtonOnlineSchools.com site helps out students learn more about public colleges, private universities, other schools, and vocational training options in Washington State.


“Many of our site visitors are high school students who are beginning their college search,” explained web site editor James Running, “But there also seems to be quite a few older visitors as well, many perhaps considering a change in career.”


The WashingtonOnlineSchools.com web site provides information that is primarily of interest to residents of Washington, but is also for residents of other states who are considering temporarily moving to the state to pursue education opportunities.


Running believed that a significant portion of their visitors are not interested in a complete degree program, but just in taking a few classes. “We think that some of our visitors are working adults who just want to sign up for a couple of classes that might enable them to learn a few new skills that are directly relatable to their current job,” said Running.


The website provides a feature where a visitor can search for degree programs and individual classes based on a variety of criteria, such as college major or geographic area of the state.


“Our state has a lot of great options for students,” Running continued, “And while many of those options are in the Seattle area, the rest of the state is represented pretty well too.”


“Sometimes, having too many choices makes deciding difficult and that’s why students trying to decide which college to apply to should first try to narrow their potential schools down to just five,” Running concluded, “Once students can get their school list down to just a few choices, they can really focus their attention on just those schools and hopefully make a good decision.”


The website is free for anyone to use.



About Washington Online Schools

WashingtonOnlineSchools.com is a website focused on higher education choices around Washington State. For more information, check out http://www.washingtononlineschools.com.


Media Contact:

James Running

Email: JR@WashingtonOnlineSchools.com

Contact Form: http://www.washingtononlineschools.com/how_to_contact.html