Access Consciousness with Gary Douglas

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( — December 3, 2013) Houston, TX — 

Do you feel trapped in a life where the same old routine gets you the same old results? Even if you have a life that others view as “successful” ? You can choose to do something about it.

Access Consciousness and Gary Douglas offers the tools and techniques to teach you to be more aware and embrace consciousness. To be conscious in every moment allows you to see possibilities you have never seen before and make choices based on those prospects – opportunities you do not currently see in your life.


The target of Access Consciousness is to create a world of consciousness and oneness. Consciousness includes everything and judges nothing. Every class, event, tele-call and book of the program is designed to open you up to receive the awareness of everything, with no judgment of anything.


If you have no judgment of anything, then you get to look at everything for what it is, not for what you want it to be, not for what it ought to be – just for what it is. Would that give you the freedom you have been searching for? The ability to choose to be more than you are in the moment, how you are perceived to be in this moment.


Consciousness is the ability to be present in your life in every moment, without judgment of you or anyone else. It is the ability to receive everything, reject nothing, and create everything you desire in life – greater than what you currently have, and more than what you can imagine.


Gary Douglas has developed the processes, techniques and skills of Access Consciousness for accessing the consciousness that is available all around us, in everything that exists, and that we ourselves embody. We have learned to cut that out of our lives as we’ve grown older and the magic has faded. Gary’s teachings can give it back to you.



Gary Douglas has written or co-authored several book that explore different areas of life using the principals and philosophies of Access Consciousness. No matter your state, you can find one that speaks to you and offers insight to the possibilities of a new perception.


Divorceless Relationships. Being vulnerable does mean changing a part of yourself to meet someone else’s expectations. When you do so, you are divorcing a part of yourself. In Divorceless Relationships, Gary tells you how to be yourself while allowing your partner to be themselves, to be intimate, vulnerable and non-judgmental in a relationship where both can be happy.


The Place. A Barnes and Noble bestseller, The Place takes you on a journey with Jake Rayne, the devastating accident that opens his eyes to possibilities and the choices he makes that change his life forever.


Right Riches for You. Money can’t buy happiness. It implies if you have money first, then happiness will follow. But if you are happy first, then money can follow. Right Riches For You explains this concept and how you can make it part of your life.


Talk to the Animals. Did you know that every animal, every plant, every structure on this planet has consciousness and desires to gift to you? Animals have a tremendous amount of information and amazing gifts they can give to us if we are willing to receive them. If you are unwilling to receive, then you miss out on what they wish to give you. You also limit your ability to receive in every area of life. Discover what is possible for you in a book unlike any other you have read before.


Sex Is Not a Four Letter Word But Relationship Often Is. People often confuse sex with intimacy; are you one of them? In this enlightening tome on relationships and the inner being, it tells you everything you should have known but no one has ever said. Frank, funny and irreverent, it is refreshing departure from the conventional relationship self-help book.

Magic. You Are It. Be It. Find the magic in every day with this book of tools and tips. Gary and co-author Dr. Dain Heer show how to create joy and with it magic and everything you desire. Life can be joy, and joy can be magic, and magic can be yours after embracing what they have to say.


Money Isn’t the Problem; You Are. A blunt and hard-hitting look at the source of your difficulty with money: you. This book talks about changing your perspective of money, its purpose and place in your world, and how it comes to be there. This is the start to a new reality and more consciousness and awareness regarding your financial being.


Right Body For You. A completely innovative look at your perception of your self and your body, Right Body For You explores what your body contributes to your life and how you can enjoy it, no matter your age, shape or fitness level. The body you want is a book away and it could be easier than you think!


The 10 Keys to Freedom.  Published in 2013, Gary and Dr. Heer offer a way of living that will help you expand your capacity for consciousness so that you can have greater awareness about yourself, your life, this reality and beyond. These ten keys can change your life in ways you have never dreamed possible.



Through video, Gary Douglas and, at times, Dr. Dain Heer, provide you an inside peek at what Access Conscious has to offer. They detail how Access Conscious makes you happier, healthier, improves your relationships and simply makes you like yourself more. On those building blocks, you begin to recognize opportunities and possibilities you have never recognized before and how to make the choices that come with greater awareness and consciousness.



Gary Douglas has generously provided admittance to several complimentary tools of Access to any user who visits the Access Consciousness website. These tools can satisfy your curiosity, improve your perception provide a glimmer of what all is possible with increased awareness and consciousness. You can also use the Happy app in the iTunes store.


Gary Douglas and Access Consciousness can change your life. Check it out.




Houston, TX