Obesity and Weight Gain Caused by These Common Everyday Factors

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(Newswire.net — January 1, 2014) Boston, MA — In Health Nutrition News’ newest article and video the experts discuss how people neglect how their guts work and fail to acknowledge the importance of the healthy bacteria residing within it. The GI tract is quite literally the body’s second brain and hosts 80% of an individual’s immune system. Additionally, roughly 100 trillion living bacteria reside in the gut and an unhealthy balance has been linked to more than 170 negative health issues including obesity and weight gain.


The experts from Health Nutrition point out that maintaining a healthy ratio of good bacteria, known as probiotics, to bad bacteria is now gaining recognition as the most important step a person can take to protect health and further fat loss goals. In obese and overweight people an analyzation of their gut bacteria found higher levels of bad bacteria and low levels of probiotics.


The nutritionists list the common everyday lifestyle and environmental factors that contribute to obesity and weight gain, which includes: artificial sweeteners of any kind, processed foods, antacids, and alcoholic beverages. A full list of these common everyday factors can be found in this article from Health Nutrition News. Additionally, by viewing the full article and video readers can also see a list of the advanced signs of imbalanced intestinal bacteria.


Furthermore, Health Nutrition News reveals that the ideal ratio of good to bad gut bacteria is 9:1 or 85%:15%. They also acknowledge that if people continue to neglect their gastrointestinal health the likely result is a dramatically increased risk for health problems and disease and an inevitable, continual struggle with obesity and weight gain.  


The full article and video can be viewed HERE


Health Nutrition News has made available for a limited time this free report Top 10 Gut Cleansing Foods. Use the information read here and available in this report to help combat obesity and weight gain.