(Newswire.net — January 3, 2014) — San Diego, CA As the premier general interest atheist magazine in production, The Celestial Teapot provides an insightful and entertaining look into the secular community through engaging articles, reviews and commentary. One lucky person will be able to experience the magazine’s exceptional writing and design for five years through their new Facebook promotion: the “Five-Year Subscription Contest”. However non-catchy that title may be, the prize of a five-year subscription to the atheist magazine is a total retail value of $49.95 and will provide years –five, to be exact– of The Celestial Teapot’s highly regarded content.
When asked why the choice was made to make the contest prize a five-year subscription rather than the magazine’s normal one-year subscription option, developmental strategist for the magazine Donald Herrera Fairbairn said: “Our quarterly magazine is a bargain at $9.99 it’s a full year of the great stuff we release. However, that price doesn’t translate very well in regards to a contest, even one as easy to enter as ours.” “But,” he continued, “if you multiply that by five, there’s a better chance that people will become interested in the contest and learn more about the magazine at the same time.”
Unlike traditional magazines and publications, The Celestial Teapot keeps things fresh for readers by providing themed issues. The most recent issue of this atheist magazine is all about dinosaurs, with a number of the authors contributing info on the ancient creatures and numerous nods to Jurassic Park. Previous themes of The Celestial Teapot include: conspiracy theories, the good, bad and weird of science, and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. And a five-year subscription to the secular publication would provide the winner with a free look at twenty of the digital magazine’s upcoming themes.
Beyond each issue’s theme, regular columns cover: music, hilarious horoscopes, video games, parenting, science and a slew of other content that The Celestial Teapots have come to hold in high regard. Likewise, since the publication is quarterly, the periodical’s website provides nearly daily content from a number of writers and bloggers who post about: current events, reviews and further discussions.
Those interested in reading the atheist magazine’s current and past issues can visit The Celestial Teapot’s store (http://www.celestialteapotmagazine.com/magazineshop/) and should head to the magazine’s Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/celestialtpot) to sign up for the contest before time runs out.
Media Contact:
Jeff Ridout
Phone: 1 (647) 883-9405 Email: celestialteapotmag@gmail.com Website: http://www.celestialteapotmagazine.com Twitter: @barkingmadmedia