How to invest money like the wealthy? Simple, predict the future.

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( — January 16, 2014)  — 


There is a 7 step process that has actually been proven time and again to reveal the monetary future of a nation or an empire. It is actually a process that has duplicated itself throughout history.

This procedure is known to the ultra affluent and is not truly known to the other population.



Over the last twelve months, Mike Dillard (8-Figure Earner online, however not an expert capitalist) has hopped on the airplane and flew around the country looking for self-made millionaires, under-the-radar business owners and silent entrepreneurs that have net worths of at the very least $10 million to $1 billion.

He had one straightforward question for them:.


“How do you protect as well as increase your cash throughout this economic crisis?”.


TIP: It’s not on Wall Street.


They apply just what Mike calls “black box” techniques.

The Elevation Group calls them “black box strategies” since it looks like just the ultra-rich learn about them …
Despite the fact that nearly ANYONE could use them.
(Most folks mere DON’T KNOW about them!).

To learn exactly how to invest money like the rich,
click here NOW.


NOW, let’s see how Mike learned how you can PREDICT THE FUTURE …
and how to invest money like the rich.

Even though the economy is not at its finest, it is a time that enables you the opportunity to build your wealth. Although this could not seem the instance, it is the honest truth.


As an example, the Great Depression was a time, like now, where we saw a major downturn in the economic situation. But, throughout that time, there emerged many brand-new millionaires and rich people … Like Paul Getty … or Howard Hughes.


Their key, is that they understood the 7 stages that happen in the economy of a country and exactly what you are supposed to do in each stage.

Below are the 7 various stages:.


1. In the beginning of the economy there excels cash. This is cash that is supported by steels (like gold).


2. The 2nd phase of a nations economy is where you obtain things like public works and social programs.


3. In the third phase, the government begins army spending because of having boosted global contact and a bigger worldwide existence.


4. Countries go to war which trigger the federal government to divert the wide range of the people to supporting army and their efforts.


5. Considering that all the great money has actually been diverted towards army ventures, the federal government creates fiat currency. Fiat currency is currency that is not supported by anything and is simple to make i.e. fiat money, where the worth is decreed by the government.

This happened in the U.S. in 1971.


We are currently between the 6th and 7th phase. This suggests that we are positioned at the important component of the procedure, this is where the choices that you make now will certainly impact your financial future.


6. Because of a lack of faith in the fiat money prices rise and we get inflation.


7. In the last stage we acquire wealth transmission. If you don’t change your monetary strategies at this factor you will certainly come out of stage 6 at best, at the very same place you are now, and at worst poorer compared to you were in the past.


By making the right choices and learning how to invest money like the wealthy do, you have the chance to come from the existing financial circumstance wealthier compared to you entered it. To come from this stage wealthier, you need to relocate your money to appropriate kind of possession course in phase six. By positioning your money into the correct asset course, you not just protect exactly what you have, however you increase it also.


Permit Mike assist YOU take advantage of these insane times,. DON’T BE A SHEEP!


watch Mike Dillard’s FREE Presentation

to gain the knowledge of the wealthy and do what they do!




Mike Dillard went from dead broke and waiting tables to millionaire in 18 months.

Mike’s businesses have since earned him $35,000,000 over the past 6 years. Now he’s pulling back the curtains to show how anyone with any income can use the Investment Strategies of the Rich to reclaim their financial future.