(Newswire.net — January 27, 2014) — A YouTube video shows the comment from Louis Foussard via Google+ that was left 4 weeks ago which says, “This is what’s happening… RIGHT NOW… to our Pacific Beaches. This shocking video was taken December 23rd 2013 with a quality Geiger Counter at Pacifica State Beach (Surfers Beach), California. We all must come to the realization that swimming in the Pacific Ocean (let alone eating anything out of it) is a thing of the past. And it’s only going to get worse, as this is truly unstoppable. This is by far the worst man-made disaster in human history, and our media and government remain silent!”
Greg Hawkins via Google+ left this comment 1 week ago on the YouTube video page asking the question, “Why is the increased radiation on California beaches being ignored by the media and our government?”
Another comment that was posted 6 days ago on the YouTube video titled “Fukushima radiation hits San Francisco?” by Lizzy Lewis says, “Most credible scientists would not be caught dead advocating the consumption of fish, as radioactive waste pours in at 300 tons a day. My professor says, by all means, play on the beach, but refrain from getting too close to the water. He told us months ago to avoid eating anything unless you know it is not from the Pacific.”
This was a reply that was posted to Lizzy’s comment, “Lizzy, you are correct about the sea food. I think all sides agree that one would have to be a village idiot to eat anything out of the radioactive swamp we call the Pacific. Dnews told people to “eat up” and they got creamed for bad advice.”
As you can see we are far past worrying about things like radioactive Japanese exports, and dangerous products made in Japan, because the truth of the matter is Fukushima radiation found in Japanese exports is only the tip of the iceberg. At this point the radiation is now reaching the Alaskan coastline, the Canadian coast, the West Coast of America, not to mention all the neighboring countries by Japan that have been adversely affected. Russia guards their borders now with geiger counters, checking everything coming into the country.
CounterPunch.org publishesd a news report on the weekend edition of Jan 24 – 26, 2014 by Ralph Nadar titled “The Fukushima Secrecy Syndrome” stating that, “Last month, the ruling Japanese coalition parties quickly rammed through Parliament a state secrets law. We Americans better take notice. Under its provisions the government alone decides what are state secrets and any civil servants who divulge any ‘secrets’ can be jailed for up to 10 years. Journalists caught in the web of this vaguely defined law can be jailed for up to 5 years.” Japan may try to stop news from being published within its borders and from coming out of the country, however, they are not able to stop citizens from reporting what they see and know because thankfully this is the age of technology. Ralph Nadar explains, “The less we are able to know about the past and present conditions of Fukushima, the less we will learn about atomic reactors in our own country.”
RT.com published a news article on Jan. 23, 2014 titled “Canadians buying potassium iodide in bulk over fears of Fukushima radiation” which shows there are major health concerns from citizens in other countries. The news report states, “Journalist Dan Fumano of BC’s The Province newspaper wrote this week that potassium iodide pills have been flying off the shelves of area drug stores after reports published on the internet advised people that illnesses brought on by nuclear radiation can be remedied by taking regular doses of the inorganic compound. The British Columbians buying those pills, Fumano wrote, are largely fearful that nuclear waste leaked into the Pacific Ocean three years ago by the destruction of the Fukushima power plant across the pond in Japan is washing up on their shores. But while potassium iodide does indeed possess its fair share of positive qualities, experts say ingesting those pills is unnecessary and could cause lead to potentially dangerous overdoses.”
The radiation is not all we have to worry about in America, as stated in another news release recently published by RT.com titled, “1 million tons of Fukushima debris floating near US West Coast?” The following images were published in this news release by RT.com with this commentary:
“At first we were only thinking about objects like the floating docks, but now we’re finding that all kinds of Japanese organisms are growing on the debris,” John Chapman of the Marine Science Center at Oregon State University told Fox News. “We’ve found over 165 non-native species so far,” he continued. “One type of insect, and almost all the others are marine organisms … we found the European blue mussel, which was introduced to Asia long ago, and then it grew on a lot of these things that are coming across the Pacific … we’d never seen it here, and we don’t particularly want it here.”
There are so many concerns that have been raised from the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster, and it seems no one is actively doing anything to correct these terrible events that are now causing harm to our global environment. We are going to have to come together and demand that something be done, because the world has been standing idly by since the Fukushima nuclear power plant radiation disaster in 2011 allowing Japan to place bandages on this festering sore that is now ready to explode!