How Press Release Articles Increases Positive Online Reputation

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( — February 5, 2014) Temecula, CA. — Local Market Fusion, a business and marketing consulting company utilizes the latest technologies in marketing and studies trends on business development strategies. This business practice brought Dr. Parker, CEO of Local Marker Fusion to becoming exposed to the extent business reputation is effecting local business, especially in the niche of solo practice health care providers.

One good or bad report on the doctor make or break that doctor in what may seem like a minute. As A practicing Chiropractor of over 35 years Dr. Parker is closely influenced by trends that affect his colleagues in a positive or negative way.  Because of his close relationship with these doctors Dr. Parker decided to investigate how his business and consulting background could help, with developing a doctor’s good reputation.

With this goal in mind Dr. Parker created a business and marketing company, Local Market Fusion to assist local Doctors to become market leaders in their specialties. One of the strategies Dr. Parker prefers is a Press Release.  Through the creation of media assets, this is a proven strategy that will contribute and help develop a positive reputation fit for a deserving local doctor.

The emerging online marketing landscape is the modern way to socialize and get your message to the market. With literally billions of websites, how does a person seeking a specific product or service find: Dr. Smith at 123 Main St. Any town USA?


At one time the focus on search engine optimization, ranking number 1 on page 1 of Google or on any other search engines, seemed to be the sought after strategy to dominate your niche on the vast pages found on the internet. Who would have guessed, things wouldn’t stay static for long and we have discovered the only constant on the internet, and with search engine rules is “change”! However, there are ever developing strategies to become noticed on the internet and one of these strategies that will discussed is the effectiveness of press releases online and how they have earned good recognition.


Press release articles create a crucial impact when it comes to effective online marketing for both big and small businesses. It is a great addition to the institution’s media kit apart from the information that is published on a website, e.g. about page, products and services, meet the team, testimonials, blog, are among other things. By featuring press release or distributing them online, besides providing relevant information, which search engines love, it may also contribute in improving the business’s credibility and boost online reputation.


Local Market Fusion is an internet marketing company that features online reputation management as their services. They are leading experts on helping local marketers’ presence improve online thru reputation management and reputation marketing that are fit to the client’s needs.


Dr. Bruce A. Parker, business consultant and CEO of Local Market Fusion and his staff reveals how the distribution of press release articles highlights a company’s brand or image in the views of the customers. Moreover, one of the advantages of having press releases is that it put off negative reviews of an organization; therefore, a press release is one of the best tools in controlling the damages against negative reputation.


How a press release has become the best tool in controlling damages against reputation? Dr. Parker said, “It can compete against the rants in blog sites or other online outlet. Furthermore, press releases carries the credibility of a company’s personal branding. Not only it can be posted on major press release sites or social media, it can also emailed. Overall, PRs constitutes the foundation of content marketing approach and has a vital authority in damage control necessary in reputation management.