Frank Kern Analyzes Campaign Strategies of a Fortune 500 Company

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( — March 24, 2014)  La Jolla, CA — Frank Kern is considered one of top experts on the subject of internet marketing. He has released a new video discussing a campaign tactic used by a Fortune 500 company, which we will name later, to give perceived value to their product. Using this technique a prospective buyer’s perception becomes their reality and they no longer are buying the product but in turn are buying the experience. The method used by this company can transcend all markets and should be used to successfully increase sales. The company and product Frank Kern is referring to in the video is American Expresses’ black card.


He explains that their credit card does no more than any other credit card. Fundamentally, all a credit card does is allow a consumer a way to purchase a product they want. This is a value all credit cards provide but the black card provides a unique experience for the company’s buyer, customers, and prospects. Frank Kern describes who is eligible for this elite card membership, for those who are unfamiliar a person must spend at least two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($250,000!) in a twelve month period in order to qualify. Not only do individuals have to meet the initial criteria but also they must pay a yearly fee to keep the card.


In the video, Frank further explains this process and tells why the company is so successful at offering their product at a higher cost than their competitors. He goes through the process of him receiving his own card and the experience these card holders are given. First, he receives his titanium card in a giant black box containing more than just the credit card he is eligible for. Also inside is a calf skin wallet to keep the black card protected as well as a place for a passport. Frank notes that AmEx has done a great job selling the experience of becoming a member. The last exclusive thing received is a catalog with products he now can get private access to as a black card holder. Here he makes a simple statement “perception is the manipulation of buyer reality” which accomplishes his point that offering a perceived value, even for something that the competitors are also offering, makes businesses stand out and leads to higher sales.


Additionally, the catalog that was offered to Frank was a way to generate more money disguised as a benefit. This is the typical upsell or ride along tactic where the more things given to prospective buyers the higher the perceived value. His take home point from the entire video is that people generally don’t buy with logic and rather than buying the product they buy the experience. Applying these techniques to an ad campaign or product explanation will increase the perceived value of a product and consequently increase the value in reality.


To view the video in its entirety access it here: Frank Kern: Major Brand Ad Analysis


About: Frank Kern is a successful internet marketer and is considered one of the top experts on the subject. He is available for business consultations and can be contacted through his website at


For additional news on Frank Kern see a recent video recommendation that Tony Robbins gave Frank Kern here at this link: