Thirteen Dollar Tattoos From Blaine Tucker

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( — March 11, 2014) Cleveland, Ohio — 


Tattoo fans in Morrisville, Pennsylvania and the Greater Philadelphia region can now get thirteen dollar tattoos from Blaine Tucker every Friday afternoon from now until the end of June. The special prices are available to all customers, not just shop regulars. Blaine’s shop, Lucky 13 Tattoo, is located near Bridge Street in Morrisville.


The idea for the special thirteen dollar pricetag began on Friday the 13th in September of 2013.


Blaine Tucker explains: “Most tattoo shops give out thirteen dollar tattoos all day whenever it’s Friday the thirteenth. I always do, and it’s a lot of fun. A couple weeks ago I got tired of waiting for another Friday the thirteenth to come along, so I decided to just start doing the tattoos every Friday.”


The thirteen dollar special is only available from noon to 4PM. Tattoos are given on a first come, first serve basis. After 4PM, Blaine Tucker works on regular tattoo appointments and walk-ins.


The tattoo shop has thirteen dollar flash sheets for customers to choose designs from, but customer supplied designs are also welcome.


“Of course, there’s a limit the size and detail you can do for thirteen dollars,” says Blaine Tucker. “We have flash posted in the front window, but if someone walks in with a reasonable design, I’ll usually do it.”


In recent weeks, the thireteen dollar promotion has brought in a significant amount of extra customers. It’s recommended that anyone coming for the special arrive at noon.


“People are coming from all over,” says Blaine Tucker. “Obvoiusly, a lot of customers come in from Morrisville and Trenton, but we definitely have people making the trip from Philly and all over Bucks County.”


There are currently no plans to extend the special prices beyond June, but any changes will be posted on the Lucky 13 Tattoo website.