CEO Of Abate Technology Services LLC Proclaims He Has Actual Business

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( — March 20, 2014) Farmington, CT — Michael Abate, CEO of Abate Technology Services LLC located in Farmington, CT states in an online discussion that “I own an actual business, with actual real live customers that pay me actual money” while discussing the merits of Bitcoin being a investment choice that yielded high returns for many people in 2013.


*Warning, this post contains strong language*


Mr. Abate had taken the position that while he is “getting along fine in life”, and has a “stable government IT job”, certain people in the conversation that do Google hangouts are “losers who have no job, no talent, and no real ambition”.


From all appearances, Michael Abate seemed to have complete disdain, lack of respect of differing opinions, and condescending remarks for any person that dared to disagree with his position as evidenced by his remarks:





Michael Abate then went one step further and showed his contempt for everyone not sharing his opinion by then saying that “I’m a technician. I play with websites”, which clearly shows his stunning expertise in the field of web development.


Upon further scrutiny of Abate Technology Services LLC, we found a website that was missing information, had no navigation or information about the company other than they “IT Sucks. We Make It Suck Less”.  Not confidence inspiring to me in any way, shape or form.


When checking Michael Abate, and Abate Technology Services LLC on for professional references, we found this score:


This information, or lack thereof is very uninspiring to me to say the least, especially after touting that his IT business has been operating for 6 years and 10 months.  


When I asked about the lack of recommendations, Michael Abate went on to state that he doesn’t have time for any more clients, emphatically relaying “I don’t!  We’re at max capacity without hiring another tech! Lolzzzzz”.  

While this may indeed be an unfortunate day for anyone seeking IT services that” Suck Less” than how much” IT Sucks”…I am heartened by his lack of being able to help anyone with their sucking problems.


While I personally cannot be sure that Michael Abate is a professional business owner without direct knowledge of his operation at Abate Technology Services LLC, it seems to me that after seeing the demeanor in which he presents himself to the public while touting his “actual business, with actual real live customers that pay me actual money”, there are most likely other companies out there to rely upon that will show more respect to individuals, differing opinions aside.

Abate Technology Services LLC

270 Farmington Ave # 306-10
Farmington, CT 06032

(860) 404-5307