Tennis Elbow Meet Your New BFF

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( — April 3, 2014) Darien , CT — Tennis Elbow sufferers have a new best friend forever. It is me. I realize that sounds a bit pretentious so let me explain.

 Your elbow has a buch of muuscles crossing over it.These muscles allow the arm to have many different ranges of motion. The muscles can become way to tight. Muscles have elastic properties that allow them to be stretched. They can only be stretched so far before doing damage to the muscle and the joint.

 Repetitive motions force the muscles to behave differently creating more physical stress and more pain. Rest can help alleviate some of the pain. If you know any tennis players you would be aware that they usually don’t rest themselves. It is just not in their DNA.

 Instead they are likely to dull the pain with O-T-C pain-relievers like Advil or Alleve. They help to dull the brains perception of the problem. It is physsically impossible for pain relievers to fix the problem.

 If you wind a rubber band to tightly it will fray and eventually snap. Your muscles work on the same principle. So by taking pain relievers and assuming they are fixing a problem is folly and can have dangerous consequences.

 Let me tell you how i get incredible results for my patients with Tennis Elbow. It begins with a regional examination. What I mean by this is that if your right elbow is bothering you I will fully examine the entire right upper extremity beginging with the neck to the fingers on that hand. we must indentify all the muscles involved. I guarantee you that there will be more then you thought.

 Having located all the potential trouble spots we begin to apply a soft tissue technique called Graston to these affected areas. A topical lubricant is applied to the area and then a surgical stainless steel instruement is rubbed over the area. The procedure is demonstrated in the video attached to this release. The procedure acts to strip the muscle unwinding it taking pressure off. This is fairly uncomfortable procedure. It is followed by icing to stop the pain.

 From here we apply Class IV Cold Laser to hasten the healing process. Tiny photons of light stimulate the muscle tissue to regenerate. Just like plant rely on photosynthesis for energy photons provide energy for the muscle cells to start growing back with one exception. The tissue matrix will be organized and will not cause physical stress on the joint.

 Lastly we use a special chiropractic technique called Activator Methods to realign the the bones in the upper extremity. The combined effect results in a happy patient who will be playing tennis without pain in a short period.

 I have found that each modality offers something to aid the person with Tennis Elbow. The combination of these therapies has a synergistic effect making the combined process more effective. 1 + 1 + 1 does not add it up to 3, it is a greater number.

 Watch the video and learn. The Graston part can actually be done at home. Look for a Youtube in the next few days describing the self help approach. Questions can be directed to my contact information below.


Core Health Darien

555 Post Road
Darien , CT 06820
