New App Detects ADHD

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( — April 30, 2014) Brentford, England

ADHD is thought to affect between 3 and 9% of UK school-aged children and about 2% of the world’s adult population.  Adults and children living with untreated ADHD have trouble focusing, remembering things, and completing tasks once they begin.  Often, they don’t realize there is anything they can do; they think it’s just the way they are and will always be. Yet ADHD is potentially one of the most treatable mental health issues today.


With more than 25 years of experience working with people living with ADHD, Dr Edward Hallowell says, “Having ADHD is like having a powerful race car for a brain, but with bicycle brakes. Treating ADHD is like strengthening your brakes–so you start to win races in your life.”


To help people start the process of learning about ADHD and its potential impact, Dr. Edward Hallowell created Dr. Hallowell’s ADHD Self-Assessment Quiz.  This easy-to-use application helps determine if you or someone you know may have ADHD.  It also helps you learn more about ADHD with two self-assessment quizzes and helpful ADHD background, next steps, resources, and news.  The iPhone app is available on iTunes and the Smartphone version is now available in the Google App Store.  


Dr Hallowell’s efforts have helped many people on a global basis with ADHD and related issues.  Dan Sullivan says “If it is possible to pass along a thank you to Dr. Hallowell please do so. I would liken discovering and connecting with his work to growing up blind, and then one day finding a book, or surgeon, who was able to restore vision. I am seeing myself as I truly am, and it is so incredibly empowering and wonderful”.


Bringing his strength-based approach to ADHD in the UK, Dr Hallowell will be hosting London  workshops for ADHD in September and October 2014.  The workshops are designed for Parents, Educators, Health Professionals, and ADHD Adults.  Space is limited.



ABOUT DR HALLOWELL.  Dr. Edward Hallowell is a child and adult psychiatrist, NY Times bestselling author, world-renowned speaker, and leading authority in the field of ADHD. As a former faculty member at Harvard Medical School and the founder of the Hallowell Centers in New York City, Boston, and San Francisco, Dr. Hallowell has worked with people living with ADHD and mental-health issues for more than 25 years. As the father of two ADHD children, Dr. Hallowell is considered to be one of the foremost experts on the topic of ADHD and is globally recognized for his strength-based approach.

To learn more about Dr Hallowell and his upcoming strength-based workshops in the UK, visit

Alternatively, you can contact ADDspark Ltd. by telephone +44(0)20 8001 0307 or email

To download Dr. Hallowell’s ADHD Self-Assessment Quiz, please visit iTunes or the Google Appstore.

ADDspark Ltd

Unit 4, Shield Drive
Brentford, England TW8 9EX

+44 (0)20 8001 0307