SHSM Shrivels High School Dropout Rates

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( — May 21, 2014) Guelph, On — In the words of Charles Benyair, the head of the technological sect of SHSM (Specialist High Skills Major), “The program seeks to help kids who normally wouldn’t have the incentive to graduate high school get their diploma by helping them find what they want to do earlier. The success of this system can be seen in the stats. Kids taking mostly essential level courses have an 89% credit success rate (on average 89% of the courses they take they will pass) enrolled in SHSM as opposed to 81% outside the program, for college level courses the rates are 92% in, 87% out.

The success of the program can also be seen by those within. Liam Diebolt, a specialist high skills major student in the arts and culture field at John F. Ross CVI had the following to say about the program. “I think it’s a good way for people to “see the point” in high school. I think a lot of kids my age kind of lose track of their eventual goal while doing mandatory courses in high school, and I think this program is a great way to keep them on track to where they want to end up”.

Benyair says the program exists  “to give students direction in high school so they can further narrow down what they plan to study in post secondary and beyond”. At the Arts and Culture Day at the Wellington County Museum art students got a hands-on look at what’s needed to succeed in the arts. Students had the opportunity to tour the museum and get some insight into curating, as well as watch some presentations from a number of relevant locals involved in the arts.

Among the presenters was Karen Kesteloot, the founder and owner of “Portprep”, a local business aimed at getting kids into their art or design college of choice. She revealed just how difficult and important the process of applying is, and how a good portfolio is key to success. Karen jolted the students into the sobering reality that up to 97% of first time university applicants to top ranking arts programs are rejected. Karen armed the students with insider tips on how to beat the tough odds of acceptance. PortPrep’s students have consistently beat these odds with a 100% acceptance rate. Portprep can be reached through their website at, or Karen can be contacted directly at


275 Woolwich St
Guelph, On N1H 3V8
