Elizabeth Bourgeret Creates Teen Workshop

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     Elizabeth Bourgeret, the most respected authority on teenage motivation has created a ground-breaking workshop, and is taking it across the nation.


     Seeing the positive effects that one-on-one coaching and small group classes can do, Elizabth Bourgeret has taken her teachings to a larger audience.  Interactive and creative learning is her speciality and she has created hundreds of classes, camps and workshops to make learning fun and still educational.  She has outdone herself this time with her creation of the Total Truth Workshop


     The Total Truth Workshop focuses on life lessons.  The teens learn about accountability, financial responsibility, planning for the future they want, personal growth and well-being, core values and so much more.  “All the things they won’t learn in school, but need to know to develope happy healthy lives of their own.”  Bourgeret says.


     “When we are set loose out into the population after graduation, it is assumed that we are adults and have all the answers we need to set off creating our adult life.  There are so many life skills that fall through the cracks of our education that we have no idea we missed until we are stuck cleaning up our messes.”


     Elizabeth Bourgeret is referring not only to what she has witnessed with her “kids”, but also what she has lived through herself.  She tells her students that she’s made all the mistakes so that they don’t have to.  Her young adult life was a series of disasters and poor choices.  She had no idea how to manage money, how to run a household, took no responsibility for her mistakes and just followed the “seemed-like-a-good-idea-at-the-time” method of life planning and has the scars to prove it! 


     It wasn’t until deep into her adult years when her own children were on the verge of having to start making their own grown-up choices that her past mistakes came rushing back to her.  While trying to guide her own children, her new career path had presented itself.  She had been working with kids in a teaching capacity for over 25 years but she took it a step further… She got her coaching training and started small, but it wasn’t long until her desire to help more people that the Total Truth Workshop was born.


     “I am so proud of this workshop,” Ms. Bourgeret smiles, “It has the power not only to change lives, but to change futures.  Teens don’t have to settle for what comes next, they can have the power to choose and I’m here to help them go after the kind of life that they want instead of what falls in their lap.”


     The Total Truth Workshop takes place over one weekend and even has a follow-up class for the parents so they can be armed with how to best encourage and hold accountable their teen after the workshop.  Ms. Bourgeret stays connected with the participants long after the workshop through blogs, a private Facebook membership and she even gives them her personal email.  “I don’t want to pump them full of these exciting ideas and then turn them loose!  I want to be around in case they get stuck, need encouragement, and to celebrate their successes,” she says.  “Plus, they’ll have the connection of the other students that went through the workshop with them.  They’ve created their own Mastermind group!”



     “You’ll choose Elizabeth Bourgeret because of the services and knowledge she offers.  You’ll grow with her becuase you’ll like the results she provides.  You’ll trust and stay with her because of her genuine love and sincerity.” – Theresa Barnes, mother of four


     “When someone that is this passionate sets out to spread a message to impact the lives of young people through that message, truly good things, life changing things will happen.” – John Martin, father of three


     Elizabeth Bourgeret truly is the respected and loved teen authority, just ask any one of her former students and they are happy to sing her praises.


     For more information on Elizabeth Bourgeret: www.elizabethbourgeret.com

     For more information on Total Truth Workhop: www.totaltruthworkshop.com


     To find out if Total Truth Workshop is coming to your city, click here to find the next few cities on her 2014/15 nationwide tour.



(Newswire.net — May 26, 2014) St. Charles, MO — 

About Elizabeth Bourgeret

Elizabeth Bourgeret is a published author, inspirational speaker and popular teen-life coach. She has worked with kids for more than 25 years before specializing in teenagers. The Total Truth Workshop is her newest offering to the creative education world.