The Sales Institute Launched by John Dean and Katalyst Consulting

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( — July 17, 2014) Sydney, NSW — 

John Dean (JD), CEO and founder of Katalyst Consulting has launched The Sales Institute, the first peer based sales mentoring institute in Australia. TSI is focused on the development of its members, not the delivery of content to provide a structured process for sales managers and revenue contributors to discuss challenges affecting sales performance in a strictly confidential environment to shape and formulate execution plans and improve results.

According to JD, “to be successful, today’s sales leaders also need to develop a stronger sense of self awareness and a deeper understanding of how to connect with those they lead, and those they wish to attract, engage and keep loyal. We were stunned to find no one catering for this market in Australia. Modern day sales leaders need to be equipped to courageously battle external uncertainty with unwavering internal certainty… and to do that they need exceptional skills and clarity and focus.”

The Sales Institute is not a sales training company. It is a company focussed on creating a confidential, high trust environment to discuss real world strategies for exceeding sales targets and has been created by peers, for peers, utilising real life issues to create a direction and structure for the institute.

TSI provides a stable environment that caters to sales directors addressing issues surrounding management of their team, planning and providing a peak performance culture and for sales representatives help is provided for issues directly impacting sales results, how to manage forecasting and closing deals.

JD says: “We provide a high trust and comfortable environment for our members to meet, discuss and share concepts, ideas and frameworks. Then we provide access to tools, forums and a knowledge centre to support the on-going actions plans created during our sessions. We meet monthly for group peer to peer mentoring session. Each meeting creates actionable plans that are measured and monitored for the on-going development of the networking group and individual members.”

For senior sales leaders the pressures of driving sales, which is the life blood of any business, comes with many challenges. It requires an extraordinary resource that will act as a dynamic catalyst for change and to adopt different practices to further drive the success of the business.


The Sales Institute was created to provide this resource and is crucial to inspiring insightful and fresh perspectives to sales leadership development and success, through discussions and mentoring with peers in similar roles.

The process of transforming a sales team is rarely successful in isolation. A formal setting like The Sales Institute can add massive value to all participants. 

About The Sales Institute

An exclusive group of Senior Sales Leaders with group peer based networking capabilities. An exclusive group of Senior Sales Directors for support, education, networking and problem solving. Group Peer to Peer mentoring, run by Sales Leaders for Sales Directors focusing on the ability to execute Sales objectives and targets

The Sales Institute

19 Lethall Street,Kensington,
Sydney, NSW Australia 2033

61 404 480 302