3 Magic Words Revealed For Dealing With Stress Instantly

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(Newswire.net — September 1, 2014) Steyning, West Sussex — It would have seemed unthinkable before that children would have to go through stress, but as the world becomes more competitive day by day, children are having to perform better just to be able to survive in the adult world. Kids are shortly going back to college and mainstream news is currently reporting on the terrible ordeal of kids having to deal with very high stress levels just when faced with a change of routine, let alone any other surprises that many kids have to deal with at schools today.



Even the over 65s are being affected by stress. Many are completely overwhelmed by modern technology, others are having to deal with broken families, and a vast majority are having financial difficulties, often resulting from their own children’s problems to survive in the current economic conditions. When I asked international speaker Andy Shaw for some advice for people trying to cope with stress, he said… “As you know, in the world we live in today, there are ever increasing ways to communicate and ever increasing numbers of people wanting to contact us, not to mention the eternal pressures to go out and create money to buy stuff, means we are all working more and more. Usually both husbands and wives work, otherwise they could not have stuff… So stress builds up and this is just one of the many reasons why less and less people are getting married but the divorce rate does not go down… Which means of course that it is increasing.


Andy continued by saying “stress is everywhere, and people make a fortune selling ways to control your stress or how to relieve stress… And of course medicine does its bit to give you pills to help you feel less stressed, but have you ever asked yourself why can’t it be cured…? Well of course it can but there is no money in the cure, There’s money in controlling stress… So what I’m offering is the cure as life is far too short to live life so stressed. And besides, there’s far more enjoyable ways for me to make money than by selling how to control stress. So I’ll just give you the cure instead. Stress is not its own entity; it is not a disease but a dis-ease. Stress is just something we create ourselves in our minds. Yes, we are the creators of the nightmare we live in. In doing this we do not live well as we damage our own wellbeing. But stress is just a choice…”


So I then asked Andy the final punch question regarding those 3 magic words that would help relieve stress, and he answered… “I know this may sound very easy but you can choose to not be stressed. First, ACCEPT what is… so whatever has happened, whatever you have brought into your life, and whatever you think you haven’t, have in fact all happened. The past cannot be changed, so you just simply accept what is. In doing this you are removing the strength of anything the past can do to you. The past can only harm you of course if you allow it to. If you do not allow it to then it can do you no harm at all. So accept what is, as it cannot be changed.”

He continued on to explain the second magic word… “then, SURRENDER to whatever is going to happen. This is you accepting that whatever will happen will work out for the best for you… Even if it looks like it will be bad at the time. We’ve all had things happen which felt bad at the time and then turned out to be the best thing. Well just accept that things will always work out for the best. This doesn’t mean you cannot work diligently towards preventing what you don’t want to happen. It just means that if it does happen then you will accept it then. Until it does, you will do all you can to avoid it but you are just not emotionally attached to it. Attachment causes stress. This way it enables you to surrender to it and it frees you from the stress you created.”

I thanked Andy, who concluded by saying “And finally just be where you are. LIVE NOW, recognize that you are the creator of your stress, so simply decide that you will live now in this moment and do all you can to do all you are doing… However, you are just choosing to no longer be stressed by it. When you notice stress building up in the future, all you have to do is simply notice it and remember you are allowing it to build up in your absence of presence. This is the power of awareness. As you become aware, you gain control because you noticed that you are the creator of your stress. Then by accepting what is, you can master it and no longer allow stress into your life. It will come in, we are busy after all, but just notice it, accept it is there and now needs to be let go of. There is nothing to control, you merely have to let go of it. As you do this you will hear your mind fighting with you. Listen to the insanity of it wanting to find ways to get you to hang on to your stress.”


Andy then said that as a way to prove this to anyone concerned that he wanted to recommend they right now stop what they are doing and go and read the first 5 complimentary chapters of his book “Creating A Bug Free Mind.” This mind changing system has been successful in over 110 countries.


