SNAC-expo Announces Winners of the Israeli Art Contest

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( — October 24, 2014) San Carlos, CA — SNAC-expo, an online curated art competition dedicated to promoting the interests of artists from marginalized countries as well as those that are traditionally underrepresented in the art world, is pleased to announce the winners of its 2014 Israeli Art Competition. As part of the competition, people from around the world voted in the online competition featuring 219 pieces of artwork from 72 Israeli artists. With 7,886 votes cast, 16 percent of the voters were from Israel with the rest from other parts of the world.


SNAC-Expo at showcases the talents of artists from around the globe. This competition was particularly important because artists from across the globe were eligible to participate as long as they were Israeli nationals, so the participation spanned many nations. The SNAC Expo Facebook page at also gained many likes as a result of the competition’s social media component; currently the page as 6,711 likes.

The finalists for the contest are: Osnat Agam, Evgenia Andreeva, Rosa Ben Arie, Yacov Avrahami, Hila Engel, Sagi Erez, Elena Gat, Sarah Gopher, Shmuel Hagag, Haia Hason, Irit Kalechman, Yoni Matatyaou, Hedva Mizrahi, Omri Mizrahi, Evgenia Petrovskaya, Nogah Safer, Eyal Segal, Henry Shmulevich, and Rachel Ziv.


Semifinalists have also been announced and are as follows: Dvora Ashkenazi, Tomer Aviram, Esfir Brod, Sana Tchernov, Pnina Sarig, Gennady Roitich, Omer Golan, Taly Nahari Shemy, Gili Azbel, Avraham Shemi Shoham, Aya Nasser, Rinat Goren, Miriam Mass, Ora Ben Shoshan, Chagit Ofir, Nathan Pollock, Kerin Lovett, Moshe Kassirer, Noa Flecker, Martha Firer, Ruth Orenbach, Michal Rubens, Milly Barzellai, Orit Sebty, Sana Tchernov, Dali Mosseri, Anat Shmariahu, Zelda Leotardi, Nuno Spencer, Alexandra Anat, Rachel Frumkin and Delphine Soriano.


About SNAC-expo: SNAC-expo is an international fine art competition and exhibition that provides great opportunities for artists to have their work expertly curated, promoted, and exhibited in select venues throughout the world, and then auctioned in an online gallery. Each event engages a global audience in preserving and promoting the transformative power of art to connect diverse communities through a unique confluence of social networks, online galleries and the inimitable human experience of art.


CEO and Co-Founder, Guy Clément Cohen, is a world-renowned sculptor who transitioned out of working internationally in the high-tech industry after 35 years to study fine arts. After two successful pilot programs in the Ukraine and Iran, Guy co-founded SNAC-expo with international artist Ali Meamar with the vision of discovering and promoting emerging artists from marginalized communities.


Awarded artwork is exhibited in multi-gallery road shows and is available for purchase through the online SNAC-expo store. All Net Proceeds are redistributed to the artists and invested back into their local communities through caused-based organizations.


SNAC-expo unites the world one art community at a time.


For More Information:


Stephanie Miller


P.O. Box 495
San Carlos, CA United States 94070

(530) 448-4244