Lavender Essential Oil – Nature’s Way To Reduce Stress

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( — November 14, 2014) Cordova, TN — Stress is a normal part of life, and almost everyone has experienced some type of stress in their lives. But when one experiences stress on an ongoing, continuing basis it can lead to a condition called distress. When someone is in distress this is when it starts to affect their health and lead to symptoms like headaches, upset stomach, elevated blood pressure, chest pains, problem sleeping as well as worsening certain symptoms or diseases.


Lavender essential oil is one of nature’s solutions for relieving stress and the aroma is very versatile, meaning it is popular with woman as well as men.  When using aromatherapy with lavender essential oil for the purpose of stress reduction, it can be used in a variety of different ways.


Lavender Bath – Add 6-8 drops of lavender essential oil to your bath under the running water and lie back and relax.

Lavender Foot Bath – Add 4-6 drops of lavender essential oil to a bowl filled with warm water. Let your feet soak for about 10 minutes while sitting back and relaxing.


Lavender Steam – Add 4-6 drops to a bowl of hot water and place a towel over your head, this will allow you to breath in the vapor. Breathe deeply for a few minutes and inhale the vapor.


Lavender Massage Lotion – Add 5 drops of lavender essential oil to unscented massage oil per 10 ml of lotion. This is a great way to alleviate tight and sore muscles and ultimate relaxation.


Utilizing some of these relaxing techniques from baths to massages, and incorporating lavender essential oil, may help to reduce stress and therefore eliminating the potential health risks that are associated with stress.


“Plain and simple, stress is not good. It can cause all types of health problems, and people have a hard time finding ways to “de-stress”. Our lavender essential oil is a great way to enhance your stress reducing activities. For example, don’t just take a regular bath, add lavender essential oils to your bath and you will notice the difference.” says Matthew, a representative of Nature’s Own Essence, a company that specialize in essential oils sold on


About Nature’s Own Essence

Nature’s Own Essence is committed to helping people thrive, survive and blossom under increasingly challenging and stressful modern day life circumstances. They are continually searching out and researching additional products to add to their catalog that will provide people with the kind of tranquility and peace of mind that is represented by Nature’s Own Essence repertoire of therapeutic grade and purity controlled essential and pressed oils.

Nature’s Own Essence

1138 N. Germantown Pkwy, Suite 101-201
Cordova, TN United States 38016