Mouth Guards Shown to Protect Teeth from Night Grinding Damage

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( — December 5, 2014) Kansas City, MO — From teeth clenching to nighttime teeth grinding, the mouth guard from ProDental has proven to be a most effective mouthpiece that protects teeth from damage caused by those habits.


People who grind and clench their teeth, causing immense dental damage overtime, can finally breathe a sigh of relief. ProDental, an Amazon top seller, now supplies customers with a mouth guard that prevents them from damaging their teeth while they sleep.


Batavia cosmetic dentistry specialist, Ronald Murphy, shares that during the daytime an individual puts approximately 200 psi of pressure on their teeth. This pressure escalates during the nighttime for teeth grinders, as they may put as much as 2,000 psi of pressure on their teeth.


Bruxism is an unconscious habit with visible effects that people troubled with the condition would rather not having to deal with – damaged teeth and a ruined smile. One Amazon customer noted that ProDental’s mouth guard molded easily to give a satisfactory fit, and it helped to reduce the nighttime clenching which was giving him or her bad headaches.


The company states that their product is dentist designed, custom molded and built to last. ProDental offers customers a special that they dub Better Than Money Back Guarantee on each purchase.


Individuals and enterprises who desire to find out more about ProDental’s mouth guard can do so by visiting their Amazon product page below.

MKC Products is offering all new customers $5 OFF their first order of the ProDental 3-in-1 Mouth Guards on with coupon code – SMP5DISC – visit the link below to redeem:


About MKC Products

MKC Products is a company based in Kansas City, MO USA and starting to make a name on because of their quality service of their happy satisfied customers. Their ProDental 3-in-1 Mouth Guard is now ranked among the star products within its group on the giant shopping portal.

MKC Products

627 E. 46th St.
Kansas City, MO United States 64110
