(Newswire.net — December 11, 2014) Las Vegas, Nevada — December 10, 2014) Los Vegas, NV – Do utility companies really have to worry about the intrusion of solar energy into their bottom line? Currently, Solar energy provides three-tenths of 1 percent of the total energy consumed in the United States. While the amount of solar electricity capacity in the US has increased in recent years, it still only accounts for 0.2% of net utility-scale electricity generated in the United States.
Many utilities who feel threatened by this minor dent in their revenues only see the financial damage increasing and permanent. According to Travis Hoium of The Motely Fool, “Solar industry growth could easily exceed 20% for the next decade and the companies who can gain market share could become some of the largest energy companies in the world.”
While sunny states such as Nevada have been early adopters of solar, consumers in states like Wisconsin are also under attack by companies who are using regulations, misinformation and dirty lobbying tactics to retain their financial foothold.
Wisconsin’s utility companies want to raise fixed monthly energy costs for bill payers to offset their revenue loss. Many “net metering” agreements, for consumers who install solar, pay consumers for unused solar power. Not only are fossil fuel-based utilities losing revenue from solar households, but they must also pay them for energy purchased from the consumer.
“For consumers who own their own solar systems, saving significant dollars on their utilities is a given. What’s unexpected and very welcomed is earning money from the utility company,” stated Susan Rathunde, of Solar Home Nevada.
“As the growth of solar increases, utilities are looking at ways to keep things running so other customers don’t have to pick up the difference,” Jeff Ripe, a deputy administrator with the Wisconsin Public Service Commission, told The Capital Times, a local paper out of Madison.
Which brings us to the CEA.
According to Grist, an environmental news organization, the Texas-based utility trade lobby, the Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), attempted to intervene by claiming it found 2,500 Wisconsonites who support utility rate hikes. CEA submitted the names to Wisconsin’s Public Service Commission during a public hearing earlier this month.
Eventually the list was tossed out because of numerous problems. However, as solar increases in popularity, decreases in price the entrenched utility companies are only going to become more aggressive in their tactics.
What is a consumer to do?
How can an individual battle a multi-billion dollar industry?
For homeowners, the best course of action is to take a serious look into solar energy now…before the current tax credits expire and before the utility companies jack up their fees to cover their revenue losses.
When it comes to understanding solar, Solar Home Nevada is providing a complimentary consumer awareness guide to assist homeowners in understanding how they may qualify for a solar upgrade to their home.
The guide is free. http://www.solarhomenevada.com/press.
For information visit http://www.SolarHomeNevada.com/press.
Address: 5502 Fort Apache Road, Suite #100, Las Vegas, NV 89148
Phone: 702-750-9800
About Solar Home Nevada
Solar Home Nevada was established in 2006 from a vision to provide affordable means of reducing residential and commercial energy use and cost. This vision became reality when the principals, Federal and State Tax Credit Incentives, and Utility and Manufacturers Rebates brought together award-winning and reasonably priced technologies; developing cost-efficient packages for whole-house and commercial energy reduction.