Andy Shaw Releases New Year’s Optimism Message

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( — January 5, 2015) Steyning, West Sussex — So why don’t New Years Resolutions work? Andy Shaw, author of “Creating A Bug Free Mind,” says the fact is that’s not quite true as some do work, just not so many. He added… “Depending on which study you care to look into, about 50% of people come up with one or more resolution. Then after they’ve thrown some time into the equation then less than 8% of those say that the resolution worked. My guess would be that, throw a fair bit more time into it and then a lot less than that too. So 50% give up and don’t even try, then at least 92% of the rest fail, Which means that less than 4% of all people succeed in any way at getting a New Year’s resolution to work.”4

Andy said that this was clearly not a good plan, adding… “Every year 50% of people try and give it another go, so “why” is the real underlying question. Generally, people desperately want some sort of change, but not desperately enough to make sure they get that change. Anyone considering a new years resolution needs to slow down and consider how a change makes you feel with what it involves doing. The problem here is ensuring the change will involve far too much thought and effort than can be mustered, with thinking being the hardest part, so instead people end up just hoping that a New Years resolution will be successful.”


The best selling author of “Creating A Bug Free Mind” continued by saying…. “Hey if something has failed again and again, why give up right? As Albert Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result, But 50% of us do it again every year, After a few years of doing this and getting the same result I figured out that there had to be a more effective way.


But people do this because their ego tells them that this year can be different, But how can it be different if they have not raised their level of consciousness and re-wired their thinking.”


Oscar Wilde wrote… “Good resolutions are useless attempts to interfere with scientific laws. Their origin is pure vanity. Their result is absolutely nil.” Andy explained the meaning, saying… “This clearly says you’re doing it wrong! Well, he wasn’t quite right according to the statistics, there are a few people who are successful, but only 1 to 4%. To me though, that figure seems more like a complete failure rather than a successful plan, wouldn’t you agree? The problem is that by failing we end up doing more damage to ourselves as we believe we have tried and failed, whereas in truth we just made a pathetic attempt and it failed,”


Andy concluded his new years message by saying… “So people generally set themselves unrealistic goals and expectations in their resolutions, while believing that this time it will be different. Consider this though! You’re going to want to fix your mind at some point if you really want all your deserved success, and when you eventually do, you’ll wish you had done it before. Actually, the very best time to fix your mindset was as a child, but the second best time to fix it is right now, so make 2015 your success year by beginning the Bug Free Mind Process today. Just sign up on the website to get started, and say goodbye to the word failure!”








