Important Krill Oil Pregnancy Information For Expecting Mothers

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( — January 6, 2015)  A new report and video from titled Important Pregnancy information shows how omega-3 in high quality krill oil is essential to improve the health of expecting mothers and developing babies.  Among the important health news provided in the article is detailed information about how krill oil benefits the heart, brain, and central nervous systems development.  The article also provides important information for supplementing with krill oil while pregnant and after birth.

Krill Oil Safety During Pregnancy

Many people wonder if krill oil is safe during pregnancy; it is one of the most common questions asked.  According to the American Pregnancy Association, krill oil is safe to take during pregnancy. Krill oil is an  essential supplements expecting mothers should take.

Not only does krill oil provide omega-3 health benefits to both mother and fetus, pure krill oil also provides these benefits without the toxins, mercury, and other pollutants found in fresh fish sources.  Krill oil’s purity stems from krill’s low position on the food chain.  Found in schools deep in the ocean’s coldest, purest waters, krill feeds on plankton and algae – resulting in a clean, pollution free source of omega-3 fatty acid.

Krill Oil Dietary Needs During Pregnancy

Health experts estimate that there is a severe omega-3 fatty acid deficiency in most people’s diets.  Omega-3 deficiency is a much greater risk in pregnant women and new mothers.  Since omega-3 fatty acids, DHA, EPA, and antioxidants are unable to be produced by the body, they are considered an essential nutrient, and must be consumed from food sources.  Pregnant women and nursing mothers need omega-3 in greater amounts than normal; best to supplement with krill oil while pregnant and/or nursing.

Krill Oil Benefits

Krill oil provides many benefits, especially when taken during pregnancy.  Among the many health benefits associated with omega 3 fatty acids are improved immune function, decreased inflammation, healthy vision, improved brain function and development, better lactation, and more efficient central nervous system function.

The omega 3s found in krill oil have also been associated with decreased incidence of depression and postpartum depression in new moms.  In fact, severity of mood disorders, especially depression, appear to worsen when omega-3 fatty acid deficiency is present in the body.

Krill Oil Pregnancy Dosage

Among the most important information provided in the Important Krill Oil Pregnancy Information article is the recommended dosage for pregnant women, new mothers, and babies.  The complete article and video, including specific informaton on the  recommended krill oil dosages can be found at is also sharing a downloadable ebook, The 15 Foods That DAMAGE Your Heart.  The free download provides the 15 Best and Worst foods for your heart and for your overall health, and is available for a limited time at

About: About: is a new website that was launched in June 2014 in order to educate people on the importance of omega-3 fatty acids and supplementing with quality sources of krill oil. Most recently they released a video titled “How Krill Oil Prevents Chronic Inflammation”.