(Newswire.net — January 23, 2015) Caldwell, New Jersey — A recent study showed that smokers on average spend at least $3200 a year on cigarettes and that number increases to $5000 with the extras they purchase to stop the smell and tastes of cigarettes. Smokers that quit save an extra $3200 a year that they use to pay off bills, take vacations, or do things that they had denied themselves and their because of the daily costs of a pack or more of cigarettes. Most people who quit focus on the health benefits, however there are monetary rewards as well.
The average cost of a pack of cigarettes is eight (8) dollars. Most smokers don’t just stop at a pack of cigarettes, they purchase other items to keep to hide the smells of the smoke from other people. Whether it is sprays, gum, lotions, they all add up to extra money out of a smoker’s pocket. If you add all those costs together, you are looking at a savings of close to $5000 a year.
So why don’t people quit smoking with all these benefits? According to Kathy Lindert, owner of Advanced Hypnosis Counseling, LLC, many people are afraid of either gaining weight or how they are going to handle the stress or tension in their lives. So they don’t quit. They are stuck in their own habits and don’t see a way out. With hypnosis you can create new behaviors and have them happen easily and effortlessly, while removing the old ways of thinking and reacting. “Hypnosis is a powerful tool to help people stop smoking”, says Lindert. Many of my clients have come to me because of friends and relatives that have stopped smoking using hypnosis and it worked, so they want to have the same results.
Once a person has stopped smoking, it is recommended that they take that money and set it aside to see how much money they are saving and to use it as a reward for themselves or their families. The rewards are endless with good health, more money and sometimes even better insurance rates for non-smokers.
For more tips on how to stop smoking go to http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=how+to+fix+yourself+for+good+stop+smoking.
About Advanced Hypnosis Counseling, LLC
Advanced Hypnosis Counseling help people overcome their bad habits with healthier habits using hypnosis, NLP and EFT. Usually onw to two sessions is al you need to see the results.