Beware: Acne Bursts out After Valentines Day Chocolates

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( — February 12, 2015) Costa Mesa, California — Dr Nick DelGado (ABAAHP), Anti-Aging Lifestyle medicine expert and author of forthcoming book Annihilate Acne Now Naturally,  reveals the troubling dilemma women and men face when they receive a box of chocolates for Valentines Day.  Women love receiving chocolates and men enjoy giving chocolates but acne rejoices as it rapidly thrusts to the front of faces and unsuspecting clear skin.

Dr Delgado points out that the best Valentines Day food gift would be “raw” cruciferous vegetables like Napa cabbage, bok choy and Brussels sprouts. But how many people (mostly women) are amorously moved by a beautiful red box containing leafy green vegetables?

So what is so bad about chocolate consumption:

  1. 1. The milk in “milk chocolate” increases harmful bad type estrone’s by more than double, according to a Harvard Study. 
  2. 2. The chocolate fat goes into the gut and increases estrogen production. 
  3. 3. There is not enough sex hormone binding globulin SHBG (a protein that carriers hormone through the blood stream) to transport the excess estrogens
  4. 4. These excess estrogens release more androgens into the skin
  5. 5. Androgens in the skin increase sebaceous gland secretions which foster:
    • Bacteria, 
    • Inflammation 
    • Acne

Dr Delgado reveals a supplement that can overcome the bad side effects of eating your Valentine’s chocolate.  He has shrunk the equivalent of 2 lbs. of raw cruciferous vegetables into capsule form.  More precisely, it’s a formulation of natural ingredients called Estro Block in a unique combination of indole-3-carbinol and noncrystalline DIMis.  Yes that sounds quite tyechnical and medical, but what it does is to clear out toxic synthetic estrogens and hormones that enter our bodies from unnatural sources.  While this process has been clinically demonstrated, Estro Block is not for everyone.

In addition to chocolate invasion, everyone is exposed to plastic, pesticides, and pollution.  Few people realize that when the body processes these toxics, they convert into a hormone.  This hormone is called a xenoestrogen, an estrogen from outside your body.


New research is coming out daily regarding just how much these synthetic hormones in our food, water, and air, actually effect us. The sad fact is, this influx of toxins shows no signs of slowing down but contrarily are increasing in our environment and in our bodies.

So Beware of that glowing box of Chocolates your Valentine surprises you with.  

While Brussels Sprouts may not be as exciting as Belgium Chocolates, it just might be a lot more loving.

But if you do succumb to chocolate, consider the recovery benfits of Estro block.  You now have a solution to the chocolate crave most all of us encounter.
Learn more about various natural options available that go beyond curing acne (Annihilate Acne Now Naturally) at Nick DelGado‘s website
711 West 17th Street Ste H6
Costa Mesa, California United States 92627
