Millionaire Andy Shaw Reveals How To Become Financially Free

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( — February 27, 2015) Steyning, West Sussex — A Bug Free Mind claims to have the answer to change a life for the better, and in a recent video published on Youtube, best selling author Andy Shaw has provided a quick glimpse into a person’s future, revealing a certain path to riches, a path he says that his international students from over 110 different countries are already on.

During the`podcast Andy says… “Don’t ask yourself what price you would put on the value of the life you have right now, as a better question would be, what value would you put on the life you really want to have. Just ask yourself this one single question. If you actually live for the next 20 years, would you be any further forward than you are right now, or would you still have the exact same life as you do today, feeling unhappy, just looking for the next shiny object, and never actually getting any real answers.”


Andy also quotes Albert Einstein, who once said…”The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Andy adds… “Yet, this is what 99.999% of the population actually do. Everyone who is not living the life that they truly want is predominantly unconscious, which doesn’t mean that you are lying in a hospital bed in a coma. It simply means that you are not in charge of your life. You are just following the direction of your conscious mind or your own self-ego. In other words you have the autopilot setting switched on, but have forgot to set the destination. You are in a routine or viscous cycle, and unless this cycle is broken, then nothing will ever change.”


The path to becoming financially free has a precise starting point, according to Andy, who says… “Everyone who is not living the life they desire, is predominantly unconscious, and permanently in a “waking” sleep, just doing the weekly routine that has become their life.” He explains that the first step to take for taking control of our life is to realize that we are running on auto-pilot, almost all day, every day, and that we are not in control of our lives, and that it’s time to take back control over our life again, though he does admit that it’s quite scarey stuff.


The video then reveals several stills of the even scarier scenario Andy envisages in five years time for people that don’t make the great change, including a possible divorce, a health condition, missing out on children growing up, even more stress, and still looking for a magic way out. He then paints the picture about how a life could look like five years from now, based on the life of someone from the bug free mind community. He says… “Financially, you’re be much better off. You will probably be financially free, or at least closing your financial dreams. You may even have already achieved them , and set new dreams, and be working on those instead.” Andy concludes by saying that now is the best time to change, and the right time to possess a bug free mind.










A Bug Free Mind

24 Bowmans Close
Steyning, West Sussex United Kingdom N44 3SR

+44 07546277858