Ginsburg & Associates – Beaten Businessman Awaits Trial Against Private Security Firm

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( — April 8, 2015) Philadelphia, Pensylvannia — At Ginsburg & Associates, one of the firm’s current cases involves representing a young businessman who was beaten by three security guards at a major event venue. During the concert of a 90’s band, a shoving match broke out on the floor. The client of Ginsburg & Associates was grabbed by a security guard, who then dragged him and tossed him outside. He was then punched by two additional security guards. As a result, the patron suffered multiple fractures.

The security company has denied knowledge of the event. Through litigation, Ginsburg & Associates was able to find other allegations of assault against the security firm. This case is currently awaiting trial.

Private Security Negligence

Private security negligence refers to cases in which personal injury occurs due to the lack of protection or the use of excessive force. Unfortunately, this form of negligence is currently on the rise in the US.

Property owners of both public and private facilities are expected to employ private security measures to protect against crime and criminal activity. One form of negligence is when the property owner does not ensure a safe environment for guests and patrons by failing to hire private security companies, install video security cameras, and secure doors and entryways with bolts and locks. Failing to install these proper security measures can result in various crimes, criminal activities, and serious injuries that may have otherwise been avoided, including theft, battery, murder, rape, drug trafficking, and more.              

A second form of private security negligence involves employing security personnel without adequate training in proper security measures. Those lacking security guard training are more likely to use excessive force, which can result in unnecessary injuries. When a firearm is involved, this can even result in wrongful death. According to Bruce Ginsburg of Ginsburg & Associates, “Generally firms and venues hire the biggest bruisers they can find. Screening and training is almost non-existent. Our firm has the experience, resources, and the reputation to pursue these cases.” All of these cases fall under the negligence of the private security company. This liability can fall on multiple parties, including the private security contractors, depending on the details of the case.

Ginsburg & Associates has successfully handled cases for private security negligence in Philadelphia and other assault cases where they were serious injuries, broken bones, and surgery. The firm’s lawyers thoroughly investigate the circumstances surrounding the attack for all security negligence claims to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the incident occurred due to private security negligence.


Ginsburg & Associates

2112 Walnut Street
 Philadelphia, Pensylvannia United States 19103

+1 (215) 564 4585