National Magazine Launched for Nonprofit Leaders

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( — April 28, 2015) Blacksburg, VA — SynerVision Leadership Foundation publishes Nonprofit Professional Performance 360 Magazine for social benefit leaders nationally for nonprofit leaders in every sector including community organizations, religious and educational institutions and membership organizations.


For the first time ever, nonprofit leaders have a leadership magazine dedicated to the needs of the social benefit sector…Nonprofit Professional Performance 360 Magazine, the resource designed specifically for the nonprofit leader. Each quarter this magazine will feature cutting-edge thinking from leaders in the field of leadership, organizational culture, nonprofit management, and special guest features. This magazine extends the work of the SynerVision Leadership Foundation and Jeff Magee International, Inc., the creator of Professional Performance 360 Magazine since 1989, by focusing on best practices, strategic thinking, and a collaborative mindset in creating a new culture of success for nonprofits.


Contributors to the quarterly publication include: John Maxwell, Bishop Desmond Tutu. Frances Hesselbein, Jeffry Magee, Hugh Ballou, Cal Turner, Berny Dohrmann, Cheryl Snapp Conner, Kevin A Williams, and others skilled in various aspects of social benefit leadership and organizational development.


Monthly topics include the following:

  • Leadership: Tools and Skills to Build a Strong Culture of Leaders Member/Stakeholder Engagement Funding: How to Attract Funds
  • Stewardship: Managing Resources of People, Time, Money, etc.
  • Teambuilding for Teams: Staff, Volunteers, Boards, Committee
  • The Academic Desk: Current Research Summaries and Resources
  • The Design Corner: How the Visual Impacts Our Work
  • More than a Chair: Tools and Systems to Move Beyond Traditional Thinking
  • Nonprofits that Work: Case Studies of Successful Nonprofits
  • Planning: Creating a Strategy that Delivers the Vision and Mission


The magazine is free to view online. Registration is required at  In addition to reading the publication online, subscribers can receive the magazine in an annual paid subscription in digital form for $4.95 and in print form for $17.95.

SynerVision Leadership Foundation

1224 Burley Lane
 Blacksburg, VA United States 24060
