Teen Driver Abruptly Told To Get Out Of the Car

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(Newswire.net — June 18, 2015) Ivyland, Pennsylvania –The Smedley family, with two of their three children affected by the very rare CRB1 blindness,  teamed up with ShadowBox Pictures to create an all new awareness video for the  Curing Retinal Blindness Foundation, a  501c(3) non profit Co-Founded by the Smedleys, which funds research for treatments and cures for CRB1 blindness.  The goal of the video is to spread awareness of this devastating blindness and recruit help to fund the cure.


THE VIDEO: Michael, a “typical” teen aged new driver, is out for a driving lesson with his parents.  It is a beautiful day, and Michael and his parents are cruising in a stylish BMW convertible.  There is the “typical” bickering between him and his parents over the radio, use of turn signals, etc… and then the father has had enough and says “OK get out.  I am driving.”


Michael exits the car and the audience finds out something surprising, something they did not expect when he talks directly to the camera to explain why his family created this video. Michael is blind now, but hopes to drive one day, just like his friends.


“Parents, they’re so annoying.  But, I wish I could have this situation (arguing with them) It’s a very exciting time.  All of my friends are getting their learner’s permits and driver’s licenses, but I can’t do that yet.” – Michael Smedley, 15, blind CRB1 retinal disease


VIDEO LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eUuJh0JCMo


This video was produced by ShadowBox Pictures of Yardley, PA


For more information and to schedule interviews contact:

Kristin Smedley, President CRBF




Twitter @cureCRB1  Facebook.com/CuringRetinalBlindness



This disease affects approximately 80,000 people worldwide.  Children with CRB1-LCA  are almost completely blind from birth. Children and adults with CRB1-RP have quite a bit of usable vision, but most deteriorates rapidly in mid-late teens or early 20s.  Most CRB1 patients are Braille readers and white cane users.



About Curing Retinal Blindness Foundation

The CRBF mission is to fund treatments and cures for CRB1 retinal disease. It has raised nearly $1 million for CRB1 research since its launch in 2011. The CRBF is currently funding 6 projects worldwide and adding one more in summer 2015. The CRBF is actively seeking to fund additional research projects specifically targeted to the CRB1 retinal disease.

Curing Retinal Blindness Foundation

35 Sienna Circle
Ivyland, Pennsylvania 18974
United States