ChemDry of Park City Can Remove Dust Mites in Carpet

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( — June 29, 2015) Park City, Utah –Up to 2,000 dust mites can live on one ounce of carpet dust, says Chem-Dry of Park City, they use the Hot Carbonated Extraction (HCE) technique to clean carpets and upholstery to get rid of allergy-causing dust mites and pet dander.

About 20 million Americans have a dust mite allergy, as stated by the AAFA, but many are unaware that millions of these allergy triggers are living in their homes and particularly in the carpet and upholstery. Chem-Dry of Park City wants consumers to be aware that a carpet can hold eight times its weight in toxin-filled dirt and dust. The NCBI states that dust mites are a common allergy trigger, and over 100,000 dust mites can be found in 10 square feet of carpeting.


“The carpet in your home could be seven times dirtier than a city street, hiding as much as one pound of dirt per square yard. One of the reasons effective carpet and upholstery cleaning is so important is that they can harbor about 200,000 bacteria on every square inch. The HCE method we use to clean is proven to remove most of these allergens from your carpet, mattresses and upholstery” says Daryl Olsen, President.

A 2014 study conducted by a leading independent air quality laboratory has confirmed the effectiveness of Chem-Dry’s Hot Carbonated Extraction (HCE) cleaning method in removing many allergens from carpets. The results of tests conducted in homes in the US and abroad showed that the HCE process removed 97% of common allergens from carpets.


In addition, a typical used mattress can harbor between 100,000 to 10 million dust mites, according to the CDC. However, the most common pet allergy is cat dander, which affects approximately 10 million people in the US as confirmed by the AAFA. Pet dander, or skin shedding, can be more potent in causing allergic reac­tions than the animal’s fur or hair.


Chem Dry of Park City is independently owned and operated by Daryl Olsen.  He has been cleaning with Chem Dry for over 20 years.  For more information visit their website at

Chem Dry of Park City

1776 Park Ave #4-336
Park City, Utah 84060
United States