(Newswire.net — September 3, 2015) Steyning, West Sussex — “Has the time come to cut down on eating white bread?” The new study published in the Daily Mail suggests that eating too much white bread and rice could increase the chance of older women becoming depressed. On the other hand the study has found that eating whole grain food types, roughage and vegetables would actually reduce the chance. With around 3 in 100 people in Britain suffering from depression, these findings could pave the way for the treatment and prevention of depression, through regulated nutrition.
The research was carried out on over 70,000 post-menopausal women, leading to scientists finding a credible link between the consumption of refined carbohydrates and depression. Scientists admitted that more research was required to investigate the potential implications of the findings, regarding a possible treatment and prevention, while also calling for similar tests to be carried out on men, and other different age groups. Official spokesman for the research, Dr James Gangwisch, of Columbia University, said in a recent press meeting: “The research does suggest that nutritional interventions could end up being a treatment or preventive measure for depression sufferers.”
Self-help expert Andy Shaw also claims to have found a solution for treating depression, which he has described as being like a virus. He has suggested that as children we once had a natural ability to succeed, the problem being that this natural success mindset has simply been programmed out of us. He added: “Before this is understood, a person is effectively loading good software onto a computer with a virus. My self-help course called “A Bug Free Mind,” helps to clear off any viruses, while giving a person back the mindset they’d had while being a bug free child. This means that a person can now learn just about anything, and succeed at it without any pain, depression, worry, stress, anxiety, fear or feeling overwhelmed.”
The self-help program called “A Bug Free Mind,” has a large following of people coming from over 130 different nations, with many leaving their own personal thoughts and testimonials about Andy Shaw’s success mindset theory on his website and Youtube channel. Andrew Leedham has said: “Andy truly delivers what many other gurus eagerly like to promise! The problem is, what a lot of these so called gurus promise, Andy delivers, with some really simple, clear, and practical steps to follow, that will help to build the life and wealth a person has always dreamed of. “Another satisfied customer, Richard Jones, has said in another review seen on abugfreemind.com: “My wealth asset base and income actually multiplied by 500% in the following 18 months of learning to have A Bug Free Mind! Thanks Andy!”
About A Bug Free Mind
Andy Shaw – The Bug Free Mind Process has now been proven in over 130 countries. Our purpose is to provide freedom from pain, happiness and certain success to the world one mind at a time
A Bug Free Mind
24 Bowmans CloseSteyning, West Sussex N44 3SR
United Kingdom
+44 07546277858